English synonyms about - contact  



1 undisguised

Plain to see.

Roget 525: manifest, apparent; salient, striking, demonstrative, prominent, in the foreground, notable, pronounced.    flagrant; notorious etc. (public) ... show more

Roget 543: truthful, true; veracious, veridical; scrupulous etc. (honorable) 939; sincere, candid, frank, open, straightforward, unreserved; ... show more

Roget 494: real, actual etc. (existing) 1; veritable, true; right, correct; certain etc. 474; substantially true, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: apparent, authentic, beholdable, bona fide, candid, card-carrying, clear, detectable, dinkum, discernible, disclosed, evident, explicit, exposed, exposed to view, following the letter, genuine, good, guileless, hanging out ... show more.

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