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1 airy

Open to or abounding in fresh air:
— Airy rooms.

synonym: aired.

Roget 643: unimportant; of little account, of small account, of no account, of little importance, of no importance etc. 642; immaterial; unessential, nonessential; indifferent.    subordinate etc. ... show more

Roget 836: cheerful; happy etc. 827; cheery, cheerly; of good cheer, smiling; blithe; in spirits, in good spirits; breezy, bully, chipper [U.S.]; ... show more

Polish: przewiewny

2 airy

Not practical or realizable; speculative:
— Airy theories about socioeconomic improvement.

synonyms: impractical, Laputan, visionary, windy.

Polish: niepraktyczny

3 airy

Having little or no perceptible weight; so light as to resemble air.

Polish: powiewny, zwiewny

4 airy

Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air:
— An airy apparition.

synonyms: aerial, aeriform, aery, ethereal.

Roget 338: containing air, flatulent, effervescent; windy etc. 349.    atmospheric, airy; aerial, aeriform; meteorological; weatherwise.   

Roget 320: light, subtile, airy; imponderous, imponderable; astatic, weightless, ethereal, sublimated; gossamery; suberose, suberous; uncompressed, volatile; ... show more

Roget 4: unsubstantial; baseless, groundless; ungrounded; without foundation, having no foundation.    visionary etc. (imaginary) 515; immaterial etc. 137; spectral ... show more

Roget 334: gaseous, aeriform, ethereal, aerial, airy, vaporous, volatile, evaporable, flatulent.   

Moby thesaurus: Barmecidal, Barmecide, Olympian, adulterated, aeolian, aerial, aeriform, aerodynamic, aerostatic, aery, air-built, airish, airlike, airy, alfresco, altitudinous, animated, apparent, apparitional, ascending ... show more.

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