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1 ethereal

Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air:
— Physical rather than ethereal forms.

synonyms: aerial, aeriform, aery, airy.

Roget 320: light, subtile, airy; imponderous, imponderable; astatic, weightless, ethereal, sublimated; gossamery; suberose, suberous; uncompressed, volatile; ... show more

Roget 334: gaseous, aeriform, ethereal, aerial, airy, vaporous, volatile, evaporable, flatulent.   

Roget 4: unsubstantial; baseless, groundless; ungrounded; without foundation, having no foundation.    visionary etc. (imaginary) 515; immaterial etc. 137; spectral ... show more

2 ethereal

Of or containing or dissolved in ether.

Polish: eteryczny, eterowy

3 ethereal

Of heaven or the spirit:
— Ethereal melodies.

synonyms: celestial, supernal.

Polish: niebieski

4 ethereal

Characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy:
— This smallest and most ethereal of birds.

synonym: gossamer.

Moby thesaurus: Elysian, Olympian, adulterated, aerial, aeriform, aerodynamic, aerostatic, aery, air-built, airish, airlike, airy, alfresco, altitudinous, ascending, asomatous, aspiring, astral, atmospheric, attenuate ... show more.

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