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1 heedful

Taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention:
— Heedful of the warnings.
— So heedful a writer.
— Heedful of what they were doing.

synonyms: attentive, paying attention, thoughtful.

Roget 459: careful regardful, heedful; taking care etc. v.; particular; prudent etc. (cautious) 864; considerate; thoughtful etc. ... show more

2 heedful

Cautiously attentive:
— Heedful of his father's advice.

synonym: careful.

Roget 864: cautious, wary, guarded; on one's guard etc. (watchful) 459; cavendo tutus [Lat.]; in medio tutissimus [Lat.]; vigilant.    careful, heedful; cautelous, stealthy, ... show more

3 heedful

Giving attention.

synonym: advertent.

Moby thesaurus: accommodating, accommodative, advertent, agog, agreeable, alert, all ears, all eyes, assiduous, attentive, aware, canny, careful, cautious, circumspect, complaisant, concentrated, conscientious, conscionable, conscious ... show more.

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