bar barroom ginmill saloon taproom room barrelhouse honky-tonk cocktail lounge sawdust saloon speakeasy gin mill pothouse pub public house saloon taphouse jump to corresponding sense entry
BAR noun
1 bar A room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter:— He drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar.
synonyms: barroom , ginmill , saloon , taproom .
Roget 189 :
abode ,
dwelling ,
lodging ,
domicile ,
residence ,
apartment ,
place ,
digs ,
pad ,
address ,
habitation ,
where one's lot is cast ,
local habitation ,
berth ,
diggings ,
seat ,
lap ,
sojourn ,
housing ,
quarters ,
headquarters ,
resiance † ,
tabernacle ,
throne ,
ark .
home ,
fatherland ;
country ;
homestead ,
homestall † ;
fireside ;
hearth ,
hearth stone ;
chimney corner ,
inglenook ,
ingle side ;
harem ,
seraglio ,
zenana † ;
household gods ,
lares et penates [Lat.] ,
roof ,
household ,
housing ,
dulce domum [Lat.] ,
paternal domicile ;
native soil ,
native land .
habitat ,
range ,
stamping ground ;
haunt ,
hangout ;
biosphere ;
environment ,
ecological niche .
nest ,
nidus ,
snuggery † ;
arbor ,
bower ,
191 ;
lair ,
den ,
cave ,
hole ,
hiding place ,
cell ,
sanctum sanctorum [Lat.] ,
aerie ,
eyrie ,
eyry † ,
rookery ,
hive ;
covert ,
resort ,
retreat ,
perch ,
roost ;
nidification ;
kala jagah † .
bivouac ,
camp ,
encampment ,
cantonment ,
castrametation † ;
barrack ,
casemate † ,
casern † .
223 ;
161 ;
191 ;
xenodochium † .
tenement ,
messuage ,
farm ,
farmhouse ,
grange ,
hacienda ,
toft † .
cot ,
cabin ,
hut ,
chalet ,
croft ,
shed ,
booth ,
stall ,
hovel ,
bothy † ,
shanty ,
dugout [U.S.] ,
wigwam ;
232 ;
barn ,
bawn † ;
kennel ,
sty ,
doghold † ,
cote ,
coop ,
hutch ,
byre ;
cow house ,
cow shed ;
stable ,
dovecote ,
columbary † ,
columbarium ;
shippen † ;
igloo ,
iglu † ,
jacal † ;
lacustrine dwelling † ,
lacuslake dwelling † ,
lacuspile dwelling † ;
log cabin ,
log house ;
shack ,
shebang [Slang] ,
tepee ,
topek † .
house ,
mansion ,
place ,
villa ,
cottage ,
box ,
lodge ,
hermitage ,
rus in urbe [Lat.] ,
folly ,
rotunda ,
tower ,
chateau ,
castle ,
pavilion ,
hotel ,
court ,
manor-house ,
capital messuage ,
hall ,
palace ;
kiosk ,
bungalow ;
casa [Sp.] ,
country seat ,
apartment house ,
flat house ,
frame house ,
shingle house ,
tenement house ;
1000 .
hamlet ,
village ,
thorp † ,
dorp † ,
ham ,
kraal ;
borough ,
burgh ,
town ,
city ,
capital ,
metropolis ;
suburb ;
province ,
country ;
county town ,
county seat ;
courthouse [U.S.] ;
ghetto .
street ,
place ,
terrace ,
parade ,
esplanade ,
alameda † ,
board walk ,
embankment ,
road ,
row ,
lane ,
alley ,
court ,
quadrangle ,
quad ,
wynd [Scot.] ,
close [Scot.] ,
yard ,
passage ,
rents ,
buildings ,
mews .
square ,
polygon ,
circus ,
crescent ,
mall ,
piazza ,
arcade ,
colonnade ,
peristyle ,
cloister ;
gardens ,
grove ,
residences ;
block of buildings ,
market place ,
place ,
plaza .
anchorage ,
roadstead ,
roads ;
dock ,
basin ,
wharf ,
quay ,
port ,
harbor .
quarter ,
181 .
assembly room ,
meetinghouse ,
pump room ,
spa ,
watering place ;
inn ;
hostel ,
hostelry ;
hotel ,
tavern ,
caravansary ,
dak bungalow † ,
khan ,
hospice ;
public house ,
pub ,
pot house ,
mug house ;
gin mill ,
gin palace ;
bar ,
bar room ;
barrel house [U.S.] ,
cabaret ,
chophouse ;
club ,
clubhouse ;
cookshop † ,
dive [U.S.] ,
exchange [Euph.] ;
grill room ,
saloon [U.S.] ,
shebeen † ;
coffee house ,
eating house ;
canteen ,
restaurant ,
buffet ,
cafe ,
estaminet † ,
posada † ;
almshouse † ,
poorhouse ,
townhouse [U.S.] .
garden ,
park ,
pleasure ground ,
plaisance † ,
demesne .
[quarters for animals]
cage ,
terrarium ,
doghouse ;
pen ,
aviary ;
barn ,
stall ;
zoo .
... show more
Roget 215 :
support ,
ground ,
foundation ,
base ,
basis ;
terra firma ;
bearing ,
fulcrum ,
bait [U.S.] ,
caudex crib † ;
point d'appui [Fr.] ,
pou sto [Gr.] ,
purchase footing ,
hold ,
locus standi [Lat.] ;
landing place ,
landing stage ;
stage ,
platform ;
block ;
rest ,
resting place ;
groundwork ,
substratum ,
riprap ,
sustentation ,
subvention ;
211 .
supporter ;
707 ;
prop ,
stand ,
anvil ,
fulciment † ;
cue rest ,
jigger ;
monkey ;
stay ,
shore ,
skid ,
rib ,
truss ,
bandage ;
sleeper ;
stirrup ,
stilts ,
shoe ,
sole ,
heel ,
splint ,
lap ,
bar ,
rod ,
boom ,
sprit † ,
outrigger ;
ratlings † .
staff ,
stick ,
crutch ,
alpenstock ,
baton ,
staddle † ;
bourdon † ,
cowlstaff † ,
lathi † ,
mahlstick † .
post ,
pillar ,
shaft ,
thill † ,
column ,
pilaster ;
pediment ,
pedicle ;
pedestal ;
plinth ,
shank ,
leg ,
socle † ,
zocle † ;
buttress ,
jamb ,
mullion ,
abutment ;
baluster ,
banister ,
stanchion ;
balustrade ;
headstone ;
upright ;
door post ,
jamb ,
door jamb .
frame ,
framework ;
scaffold ,
skeleton ,
beam ,
rafter ,
girder ,
lintel ,
joist ,
travis † ,
trave † ,
corner stone ,
summer ,
transom ;
rung ,
round ,
step ,
sill ;
angle rafter ,
hip rafter ;
cantilever ,
modillion † ;
crown post ,
king post ;
vertebra .
columella † ,
backbone ;
keystone ;
axle ,
axletree ;
axis ;
arch ,
mainstay .
trunnion ,
pivot ,
rowlock † ;
214 † ;
45 ;
thole pin † .
board ,
ledge ,
shelf ,
hob ,
bracket ,
trevet † ,
trivet ,
arbor ,
rack ;
mantel ,
mantle piece [Fr.] ,
mantleshelf † ;
slab ,
console ;
counter ,
dresser ;
flange ,
corbel ;
table ,
trestle ;
shoulder ;
perch ;
horse ;
easel ,
desk ;
clotheshorse ,
hatrack ;
retable ;
teapoy † .
seat ,
throne ,
dais ;
divan ,
musnud † ;
chair ,
bench ,
form ,
stool ,
sofa ,
settee ,
stall ;
arm chair ,
easy chair ,
elbow chair ,
rocking chair ;
couch ,
fauteuil [Fr.] ,
woolsack † ,
ottoman ,
settle ,
squab ,
bench ;
aparejo † ,
faldstool † ,
horn ;
long chair ,
long sleeve chair ,
morris chair ;
lamba chauki † ,
lamba kursi † ;
saddle ,
pannel † ,
pillion ;
side saddle ,
pack saddle ;
pommel .
bed ,
berth ,
pallet ,
tester ,
crib ,
cot ,
hammock ,
shakedown ,
trucklebed † ,
cradle ,
litter ,
stretcher ,
bedstead ;
four poster ,
French bed ,
bunk ,
kip ,
palang † ;
bedding ,
bichhona ,
mattress ,
paillasse † ;
pillow ,
bolster ;
mat ,
rug ,
cushion .
footstool ,
hassock ;
tabouret † ;
tripod ,
monopod .
Atlas ,
Persides ,
Atlantes † ,
Caryatides ,
Hercules .
... show more
Roget 752 :
prison ,
prison house ;
jail ,
gaol ,
cage ,
coop ,
den ,
cell ;
stronghold ,
fortress ,
keep ,
donjon ,
dungeon ,
Bastille ,
oubliette ,
bridewell † ,
house of correction ,
hulks ,
tollbooth ,
panopticon † ,
penitentiary ,
guardroom ,
lockup ,
hold ;
round house ,
watch house ,
station house ,
sponging house ;
station ;
house of detention ,
black hole ,
pen ,
fold ,
pound ;
232 ;
893 ;
penal settlement ,
penal colony ;
bilboes ,
stocks ,
limbo ,
quod [Lat.] ;
calaboose ,
chauki † ,
choky † ,
thana † ;
workhouse [U.S.] .
Newgate ,
Fleet ,
Marshalsea ;
King's Bench ,
Queen's Bench .
bond ;
bandage ;
irons ,
pinion ,
gyve ,
fetter ,
shackle ,
trammel ,
manacle ,
handcuff ,
straight jacket ,
strait jacket ,
strait-jacket ,
strait-waistcoat ,
hopples † ;
vice ,
vise .
yoke ,
collar ,
halter ,
harness ;
muzzle ,
gag ,
bit ,
brake ,
curb ,
snaffle ,
bridle ;
rein ,
reins ;
bearing rein ;
martingale ;
leading string ;
tether ,
picket ,
band ,
guy ,
chain ;
45 ;
cavesson † ,
hackamore [U.S.] ,
headstall ,
jaquima [U.S.] ,
lines ,
ribbons .
bolt ,
deadbolt ,
bar ,
lock ,
police lock ,
combination lock ,
padlock ,
rail ,
wall ,
stone wall ;
paling ,
palisade ;
fence ,
picket fence ,
barbed wire fence ,
Cyclone fence ,
stockade fence ,
chain-link fence ;
barrier ,
barricade .
706 .
... show more
Dutch: baar, bar, blok, café, reep, stang, stuk, tapkast
2 bar A counter where you can obtain food or drink.
Dutch: bar, buffet, tap, tapkast, toog Polish: bar, bufet
3 bar A rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weapon.
Dutch: staaf, stang Polish: drąg
4 bar Musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats:— The orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song.
synonym: measure .
Roget 413 :
melody ,
rhythm ,
measure ;
597 .
pitch ,
timbre ,
intonation ,
tone .
scale ,
gamut ;
diapason ;
diatonic chromatic scale † ,
enharmonic scale † ;
key ,
clef ,
chords .
modulation ,
temperament ,
syncope ,
syncopation ,
preparation ,
suspension ,
resolution .
staff ,
stave ,
line ,
space ,
brace ;
bar ,
rest ;
appoggiato † ,
appoggiatura † ;
acciaccatura † .
note ,
musical note ,
notes of a scale ;
sharp ,
flat ,
natural ;
high note
410 ;
low note
408 ;
interval ;
semitone ;
second ,
third ,
diatessaron † .
breve ,
semibreve [Mus.] ,
minim ,
crotchet ,
quaver ;
semiquaver ,
demisemiquaver ,
hemidemisemiquaver ;
sustained note ,
drone ,
burden .
tonic ;
key note ,
leading note ,
fundamental note ;
supertonic † ,
mediant † ,
dominant ;
submediant † ,
subdominant † ;
octave ,
tetrachord † ;
major key ,
minor key ,
major scale ,
minor scale ,
major mode ,
minor mode ;
passage ,
phrase .
concord ,
harmony ;
emmeleia † ;
unison ,
unisonance † ;
chime ,
homophony ;
euphony ,
euphonism † ;
tonality ;
consonance ;
consent ;
part .
[Science of harmony]
harmony ,
harmonics ;
thorough-bass ,
fundamental-bass ;
counterpoint ;
faburden † .
piece of music
415 [Fr.] ;
composer ,
harmonist † ,
416 .
... show more
Polish: takt
5 bar An obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal.
Dutch: maat Polish: poprzeczka
6 bar The act of preventing:— There was no bar against leaving.
synonym: prevention .
Roget 706 :
prevention ,
preclusion ,
obstruction ,
stoppage ;
embolus ,
embolism [Med.] ;
infarct [Med.] ;
interruption ,
interception ,
interclusion † ;
hindrance ,
impedition † ;
retardment † ,
retardation ;
embarrassment ,
oppilation † ;
coarctation † ,
stricture ,
restriction ;
751 ;
761 ;
261 .
interference ,
interposition ;
obtrusion ;
discouragement ,
discountenance .
impediment ,
let ,
obstacle ,
obstruction ,
knot ,
knag † ;
check ,
hitch ,
contretemps ,
screw loose ,
grit in the oil .
bar ,
stile ,
barrier ;
[barrier to vehicles]
turnstile ,
turnpike ;
gate ,
portcullis .
beaver dam ;
trocha † ;
717 ;
wall ,
dead wall ,
sea wall ,
levee breakwater ,
groyne † ;
bulkhead ,
block ,
buffer ;
263 ;
boom ,
dam ,
weir ,
burrock † .
drawback ,
objection ;
stumbling-block ,
stumbling-stone ;
lion in the path ,
snag ;
snags and sawyers .
encumbrance ,
incumbrance † ;
clog ,
skid ,
shoe ,
spoke ;
drag ,
drag chain ,
drag weight ;
stay ,
stop ;
preventive ,
prophylactic ;
load ,
burden ,
fardel † ,
onus ,
millstone round one's neck ,
impedimenta ;
dead weight ;
lumber ,
pack ;
nightmare ,
Ephialtes † ,
incubus ,
old man of the sea ;
remora .
704 ;
471 ;
obstacle ;
estoppel [Law] ;
ill wind ;
head wind
708 ;
trammel ,
(means of restraint)
752 ;
hold back ,
counterpoise .
[person who hinders]
damper ,
wet blanket ,
hinderer ,
marplot ,
killjoy ;
party pooper [Coll.] ;
party crasher ,
interloper .
trail of a red herring ;
710 .
... show more
Dutch: het voorkomen Polish: zapobieganie
7 bar meteorology A unit of pressure equal to a million dynes per square centimeter.
Dutch: maatstreep, bar Polish: b, bar
8 bar A submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore.
Dutch: advocatuur Polish: próg, próg rzeczny
9 bar The body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction:— He was admitted to the bar in New Jersey.
synonyms: legal community , legal profession .
Roget 968 :
lawyer ,
attorney ,
legal counsel ;
counsel ,
counsellor ,
counsellor at law ,
attorney at law ;
jurist ,
legist † ,
civilian ,
pundit ,
publicist ,
juris consult [Lat.] ,
legal adviser ,
advocate ;
barrister ,
barrister at law ;
King's or Queen's counsel ;
K . C.;
Q . C.;
silk gown ,
leader ,
sergeant-at-law ,
bencher ;
tubman † ,
967 .
bar ,
legal profession ,
bar association ,
association of trial lawyers ;
officer of the court ;
gentleman of the long robe ;
junior bar ,
outer bar ,
inner bar ;
equity draftsman ,
conveyancer ,
pleader ,
special pleader .
solicitor ,
proctor ;
notary ,
notary public ;
scrivener ,
cursitor † ;
writer ,
writer to the signet ;
S . S.C.;
limb of the law ;
pettifogger ;
vakil † .
legal beagle [Coll.] .
[persons accessory to lawyers]
legal secretary ;
legal assistant ;
law student .
... show more
Dutch: balie, gerecht, rechtbank Polish: prawnictwo, prawnicy
10 bar A narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background:— A green toad with small black stripes or bars.
synonyms: streak , stripe .
Roget 200 :
length ,
longitude ,
span ;
mileage ;
196 .
line ,
bar ,
rule ,
stripe ,
streak ,
spoke ,
radius .
prolongation ,
production ,
protraction ;
tension ,
tensure † ;
extension .
[Measures of length]
line ,
nail ,
inch ,
hand ,
palm ,
foot ,
cubit ,
yard ,
ell ,
fathom ,
rood ,
pole ,
furlong ,
mile ,
league ;
chain ,
link ;
arpent † ,
handbreadth † ,
jornada [U.S.] ,
kos † ,
vara † .
[astronomical units of distance]
astronomical unit ,
AU ,
light-year ,
parsec .
[metric units of length]
nanometer ,
nm ,
micron ,
micrometer ,
millimicron ,
millimeter ,
mm ,
centimeter ,
cm ,
meter ,
kilometer ,
km .
pedometer ,
perambulator ;
466 .
... show more
Dutch: streepje Polish: prążek
11 bar A block of solid substance (such as soap or wax):— A bar of chocolate.
synonym: cake .
Dutch: stuk, koek, blok
12 BAR A portable .30 caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine; used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War.
synonym: Browning automatic rifle .
Polish: karabin maszynowy Browning M1918, Karabin maszynowy Browninga
13 bar A horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises.
Dutch: zandbank, legger Polish: drążek
14 bar A heating element in an electric fire.
15 bar law A railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the judges and lawyers sit and the case is tried.
Dutch: ban, orde van advocaten, taveerne
1 bar Prevent from entering; keep out:— He was barred from membership in the club.
synonyms: debar , exclude .
Roget 761 :
prohibit ,
inhibit ;
forbid ,
put one's veto upon ,
disallow ,
enjoin ,
ban ,
outlaw ,
taboo ,
proscribe ,
estop [Law] ;
bar ;
706 ,
forefend .
keep in ,
keep within bounds ;
751 ;
cohibit † ,
withhold ,
limit ,
circumscribe ,
clip the wings of ,
restrict ;
interdict ,
taboo ;
put under an interdiction ,
place under an interdiction ;
put under the ban ,
place under the ban ;
proscribe ;
exclude ,
shut out ;
shut the door ,
bolt the door ,
show the door ;
warn off ;
dash the cup from one's lips ;
forbid the banns .
... show more
Dutch: buiten beschouwing laten, niet meetellen, niet toelaten, uitsluiten
2 bar Render unsuitable for passage:— Barricade the streets.
synonyms: barricade , block , block off , block up , blockade , stop .
Roget 261 :
close ,
occlude ,
plug ;
block up ,
stop up ,
fill up ,
bung up ,
cork up ,
button up ,
stuff up ,
shut up ,
dam up ;
blockade ,
706 ;
bar ,
bolt ,
stop ,
seal ,
plumb ;
choke ,
throttle ;
ram down ,
dam ,
cram ;
trap ,
clinch ;
put to the door ,
shut the door .
... show more
Roget 706 :
hinder ,
impede ,
filibuster [U.S.] ,
impedite † ,
embarrass .
keep off ,
stave off ,
ward off ;
obviate ;
avert ,
antevert † ;
turn aside ,
draw off ,
prevent ,
forefend ,
nip in the bud ;
retard ,
slacken ,
check ,
let ;
counteract ,
countercheck † ;
preclude ,
debar ,
foreclose ,
estop [Law] ;
761 ;
751 ;
restrict .
obstruct ,
stop ,
stay ,
bar ,
bolt ,
lock ;
block ,
block up ;
choke off ;
belay ,
barricade ;
block the way ,
bar the way ,
stop the way ;
forelay † ;
dam up
261 ;
put on the brake
scotch the wheel ,
lock the wheel ,
put a spoke in the wheel ;
put a stop to
142 ;
traverse ,
contravene ;
interrupt ,
intercept ;
708 ;
hedge in ,
hedge round ;
cut off ;
inerclude † .
interpose ,
interfere ,
682 .
cramp ,
hamper ;
clog ,
clog the wheels ;
cumber ;
encumber ,
incumber ;
handicap ;
choke ;
saddle with ,
load with ;
overload ,
lay ;
lumber ,
trammel ,
tie one's hands ,
put to inconvenience ;
incommode ,
discommode ;
discompose ;
hustle ,
corner ,
drive into a corner .
run foul of ,
fall foul of ;
cross the path of ,
break in upon .
thwart ,
frustrate ,
disconcert ,
balk ,
foil ;
faze ,
feaze † ,
feeze [U.S.] ;
baffle ,
snub ,
override ,
circumvent ;
731 ;
spike guns
(render useless)
645 ;
spoil ,
mar ,
clip the wings of ;
659 ;
put an extinguisher on ;
damp ;
616 ;
discountenance ,
throw cold water on ,
spoil sport ;
lay a wet blanket ,
throw a wet blanket on ;
cut the ground from under one ,
take the wind out of one's sails ,
undermine ;
be in the way of ,
stand in the way of ;
act as a drag ;
hang like a millstone round one's neck .
... show more
Dutch: afzetten
3 bar Expel, as if by official decree.
synonyms: banish , relegate .
Roget 55 :
be excluded from
exclude ,
bar ;
leave out ,
shut out ,
bar out ;
reject ,
repudiate ,
blackball ;
lay apart ,
put apart ,
set apart ,
lay aside ,
put aside ;
relegate ,
segregate ;
throw overboard ;
strike off ,
strike out ;
460 ;
893 ;
44 .
pass over ,
omit ;
garble ;
eliminate ,
weed ,
winnow .
... show more
Dutch: bannen, verbannen
4 bar Secure with, or as if with, bars.
Moby thesaurus: Hershey bar , Maypole , abscind , accent , accent mark , achievement , ait , alehouse , alerion , ambo , amputate , animal charge , annihilate , annulet , anticipate , arch dam , archipelago , argent , armorial bearings , armory , arms , aside from , atoll , avert , aviation badge , azure , backstop , badge , bamboo curtain , ban , band , bandeau , bang , banish , bank , bar line , bar out , bar sinister , barrage , barrel house , barricade , barrier , barring , barroom , bate , baton , batten , batten down , beam , bear-trap dam , bearings , beaver dam , beer garden , beer parlor , belt , bench , bend , bend sinister , beside , besides , bespangle , bespeckle , bespot , billet , bind , bistro , blank wall , blazon , blazonry , blind alley , blind gut , blind tiger , block , block up , blockade , blockage , blotch , board , bob , bolt , boom , boozer , bordure , bottleneck , boycott , brace , brake , breakwater , breastwork , brick wall , broad arrow , bucket shop , buffer , buffet , bulkhead , bulkhead in , bullion , bulwark , bung , but , button , button up , cabaret , cadency mark , cafe , cancel , cant hook , cantina , canton , caulk , cay , cecum , chaplet , character , charge , check , checker , checkrein , chevron , chicken , chief , chink , chock , choke , choke off , choke up , choking , choking off , circumscribe , circumscription , clap , claw bar , clip , clog , clog up , close , close off , close out , close tight , close up , coat of arms , cockatrice , cocktail lounge , cofferdam , coin gold , coin silver , confine , congest , congestion , constipate , constipation , constrict , contain , continental island , contract , control , copper , coral head , coral island , coral reef , cork , coronet , costiveness , counsel , count out , counter , cover , crack , crank , craze , crescent , crest , crisscross , crop , cross , cross moline , cross-hatching , crossbar , crosscut , crow , crowbar , crowd , crown , cruciate , cul-de-sac , cull , curb , custos , cut , cut across , cut away , cut off , cut out , dam , dam up , dapple , dash , dead end , debar , debarment , debarring , decussate , defense , deflect , degree , delimit , delimitate , delineation , demarcation , deny , deport , desk , deter , device , diagonal , difference , differencing , difficulty , dike , direct , disallow , discourage , disenable , dishearten , disqualify , ditch , dive , dock , dog , dot , dotted line , dramshop , drinkery , drinking saloon , eagle , earthwork , eliminate , embankment , embargo , embolism , embolus , encumbrance , enjoin , enucleate , epaulet , eradicate , ermine , ermines , erminites , erminois , escritoire , escutcheon , estop , ex , except , except for , excepting , exception , excise , exclude , exclude from , excluding , exclusion , exclusive of , exile , expression mark , extinguish , extirpate , falcon , fasten , fence , fend , fend off , fermata , fess , fess point , field , file , fill , fill up , flagstaff , flake , flanch , flat , fleck , fleur-de-lis , fold , fold up , forbid , ford , foreclose , forestall , foul , freckle , freeze out , fret , fur , fusil , garland , gate , gin mill , gold , gold nugget , gorge , gravity dam , griffin , groggery , grogshop , groin , gules , gyron , hachure , hairline , halt , hamper , handspike , hardship , harlequin , hash mark , hatching , hatchment , hedge , helmet , help , hem , heraldic device , hinder , hindrance , hold , holm , honky-tonk , honor point , hurdle , hydraulic-fill dam , ignore , impalement , impaling , impasse , impede , impediment , inadmissibility , inescutcheon , infarct , infarction , ingot , inhibit , injunction , insignia of branch , insularity , intercross , interdict , intersect , iris , iron crow , iron curtain , island , island group , islandology , isle , jam , jetty , jimmy , keep from , keep off , keep out , key , key signature , knock off , label , latch , lead , leaping weir , leave out , leaving out , lectern , ledger line , legal profession , let alone , levee , lever , lie across , ligature , limb , line , lineation , lion , list , local , lock , lock out , lock up , lockout , logjam , lop , lounge , lozenge , maculate , make impossible , mantling , marble , marbleize , mark , marlinespike , marshaling , martlet , mascle , measure , metal , metronomic mark , milldam , moat , mole , motley , mottle , motto , mound , mullet , mutilate , narrowing , nickel , nightclub , nip , nombril point , nonadmission , notation , nugget , oak leaf , obstacle , obstipate , obstipation , obstruct , obstruction , obviate , occlude , oceanic island , octofoil , omission , omit , omitting , or , ordinary , organization insignia , orle , ostracize , outlaw , outrigger , outside of , overseas bar , pack , padlock , pale , palisade , paly , parachute badge , parapet , pare , pass over , patch , pause , pean , peavey , pedal , peel , pepper , pheon , pick out , picket , pinch bar , pip , pleading , plug , plug up , plumb , pole , polychrome , polychromize , portcullis , pothouse , precious metals , preclude , precluding , preclusion , presa , prevent , prize , prohibit , prohibition , proscribe , prune , pry , pub , public , public house , purpure , quarter , quartering , rail , rainbow , rampart , rathskeller , reef , refuse , reject , rejection , relegate , relegation , repel , representation , repress , repudiate , repudiation , restrict , restriction , ripping bar , roadblock , roadhouse , rock-fill dam , rod , root out , rose , rub , rule out , rummery , rumshop , sable , saloon , saloon bar , saltire , sandbank , sandbar , save , save and except , saving , say no to , scape , score , scutcheon , seal , seal off , seal up , sealing off , seawall , secretaire , secretary , secure , segno , send to Coventry , service stripe , set apart , set aside , shaft , shallow , shallows , shave , shear , shelf , shield , shoal , shoal water , shoulder patch , shoulder sleeve insignia , shut , shut off , shut out , shut the door , shut tight , shut up , shutter dam , sign , signature , silver , slab , slam , slash , slur , snag , snap , space , spangle , spar , speakeasy , speck , speckle , spile , splotch , spot , spread eagle , sprinkle , squeeze , squeeze shut , staff , stalk , stamp out , stanch , stand , star , stave , stave off , stay , stem , stench , stick , stifle , stigmatize , stipple , stone wall , stop , stop up , stoppage , stopper , stopple , strangle , strangulate , strangulation , streak , streaking , stria , striate , striation , striature , striga , strike off , string , striola , strip , strip off , stripe , striping , stroke , stud , stuff , stuff up , stumbling block , sublineation , submarine badge , subordinary , suffocate , suppress , suspend , swell , symbol , table , taboo , take off , take out , tap , taproom , tattoo , tavern , tempo mark , tenne , tessellate , than , tidal flats , tie , time signature , tincture , tongue , torse , totem pole , transverse , traverse , treadle , tressure , tribunal , truncate , turn aside , underline , underlining , underscore , underscoring , unicorn , unless , vair , variegate , vein , vert , vicissitude , vinculum , virgule , wall , ward off , watering place , weir , wetlands , wicket dam , wine shop , wipe out , without , work , workbench , wreath , wrecking bar , writing table , yale , yellow stuff , zip up , zipper ... show more .
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