English synonyms about - contact  
archipelagodry landearthgroundlandsolid groundterra firmaCape Verde IslandsTierra del FuegoComoro IslandsIles Comoresthe IndiesWest IndiesAntillesGreater AntillesCaribeesLesser AntillesLeeward IslandsWindward IslandsWindward IslesSvalbardLofotenAaland islandsAhvenanmaaAland islandsArctic ArchipelagoAleutian IslandsAleutiansOceaniaOceanicaAustralasiaAustronesiaMelanesiaMicronesia



1 archipelago

A group of many islands in a large body of water.

Roget 346: island, isle, islet, eyot, ait, holf, reef, atoll, breaker; archipelago; islander.   

Dutch: archipel, eilandengroep, eilandenrijk
Polish: archipelag

Moby thesaurus: ait, atoll, bar, cay, continental island, coral head, coral island, coral reef, holm, insularity, island, island group, islandology, isle, islet, key, oceanic island, reef, sandbank, sandbar.

Find more on archipelago elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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