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1 barrage

The rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written):
— A barrage of questions.

synonyms: bombardment, onslaught, outpouring.

2 barrage

The heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target:
— They laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops.

synonyms: barrage fire, battery, bombardment, shelling.

Dutch: spervuur, artillerievuur, geschutvuur, kanonnade, kanonvuur, versperringsvuur
Polish: ogień zaporowy


1 barrage

Address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage:
— The speaker was barraged by an angry audience.

synonym: bombard.

Moby thesaurus: aim at, antiaircraft barrage, arch dam, backstop, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrier, bear-trap dam, beat, beating, beaver dam, blast, blitz, bombard, bombardment, boom, box barrage, breakwater, breastwork ... show more.

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