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1 limbo

The state of being disregarded or forgotten.

synonym: oblivion.

Roget 751: restraint; hindrance etc. 706; coercion etc. (compulsion) 744; cohibition, constraint, repression, suppression; discipline, control.    ... show more

Roget 752: prison, prison house; jail, gaol, cage, coop, den, cell; stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon, dungeon, Bastille, ... show more

Roget 982: hell, bottomless pit, place of torment; habitation of fallen angels; Pandemonium, Abaddon, Domdaniel; jahannan, sheol.    hell fire; everlasting fire, everlasting torment, eternal damnation; ... show more

Dutch: vergetelheid, vergeetachtigheid

2 limbo

An imaginary place for lost or neglected things.

3 limbo

theology In Roman Catholicism, the place of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls (such as infants and virtuous individuals).

Dutch: limbus, limbo
Polish: otchłań, limbo, limbus

Moby thesaurus: Abaddon, Gehenna, Hades, Naraka, Pandemonium, Sheol, Tophet, avichi, cage, coop, enclosure, hell, in abeyance, infernal regions, inferno, jahannan, lower world, nether world, on the shelf, pen ... show more.

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