English synonyms about - contact  

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1 retardation

A decrease in rate of change.

synonyms: deceleration, slowing.

Roget 706: prevention, preclusion, obstruction, stoppage; embolus, embolism [Med.]; infarct [Med.]; interruption, interception, interclusion; hindrance, impedition; retardment, ... show more

Roget 133: lateness etc. adj.; tardiness etc. (slowness) 275.    delay, delation; cunctation, procrastination; deferring, deferral etc. ... show more

Dutch: uitloop, vertraging

2 retardation

The extent to which something is delayed or held back.

Polish: retardacja

3 retardation

Any agent that retards or delays or hinders.

synonyms: retardant, retardent.

Dutch: vertrager

4 retardation

Lack of normal development of intellectual capacities.

synonyms: backwardness, mental retardation, slowness, subnormality.

Roget 275: slowness etc. adj.; languor etc. (inactivity) 683; drawl; creeping etc. v., lentor.    retardation; ... show more

Dutch: achterlijkheid
Polish: obniżenie poziomu rozwoju intelektualnego, niedorozwój umysłowy, upośledzenie umysłowe, oligofrenia, niepełnosprawność intelektualna

5 retardation

The act of slowing down or falling behind.

synonyms: lag, slowdown.

Dutch: afremmen, productievermindering, produktievermindering
Polish: wytracenie prędkości, zwolnienie

Moby thesaurus: afterthought, amentia, arrest, arrestation, arrested development, arrestment, backwardness, bind, blithering idiocy, block, blockage, blocking, bureaucratic delay, check, clogging, closing up, closure, constraint, constriction, control ... show more.

Find more on retardation elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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