English synonyms about - contact  

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jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

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1 fly

Two-winged insects characterized by active flight.

Roget 409: sibilance, sibilation; zip; hiss etc. v.; sternutation; high note etc. 410.    [animals that hiss] goose, serpent, ... show more

Roget 272: vehicle, conveyance, carriage, caravan, van; common carrier; wagon, waggon, wain, dray, cart, lorry.    truck, tram; ... show more

Roget 193: littleness etc. adj.; smallness etc. (of quantity) 32; exiguity, inextension; parvitude, parvity; duodecimo; Elzevir edition, ... show more

Dutch: vlieg
Polish: mucha

2 fly

Flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent.

synonyms: fly sheet, rainfly, tent-fly, tent flap.

3 fly

An opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth.

synonym: fly front.

Polish: rozporek

4 fly

baseball A hit that flies up in the air.

synonym: fly ball.

5 fly

Fisherman's lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect.

Polish: mucha


1 fly

Travel through the air; be airborne:
— Man cannot fly.

synonym: wing.

Roget 429: lose color etc. 428; fade, fly, go; become colorless etc. adj.; turn pale, pale.    deprive of color, decolorize, bleach, ... show more

Roget 328: be brittle etc. adj.; live in a glass house.    break, crack, snap, split, shiver, splinter, crumble, break short, burst, fly, ... show more

Roget 274: move quickly, trip, fisk; speed, hie, hasten, post, spank, scuttle; scud, scuddle; scour, scour the plain; scamper; ... show more

Roget 173: be violent etc. adj.; run high; ferment, effervesce; romp, rampage, go on a rampage; run wild, run amuck, run riot; break the peace; rush, ... show more

Roget 109: elapse, lapse, flow, run, proceed, advance, pass; roll on, wear on, press on; flit, fly, slip, ... show more

Roget 860: fear, stand in awe of; be afraid etc. adj.; have qualms etc. n.; apprehend, sit upon thorns, eye askance; distrust etc. (disbelieve) ... show more

2 fly

Move quickly or suddenly.

3 fly

Operate an airplane.

synonyms: aviate, pilot.

Roget 267: sail; put to sea etc. (depart) 293; take ship, get under way; set sail, spread sail, spread canvas; gather way, have way on; make sail, ... show more

Dutch: vliegen

4 fly

Transport by aeroplane.

5 fly

Cause to fly or float.

6 fly

Be dispersed or disseminated.

7 fly

Change quickly from one emotional state to another.

8 fly

Pass away rapidly.

synonyms: fell, vanish.

Roget 111: be transient etc. adj.; flit, pass away, fly, gallop, vanish, fade, evaporate; pass away like a cloud, pass away like a summer cloud, pass away like a shadow, pass away like a dream.    ... show more

Dutch: omvliegen, vliegen, voorbijvliegen

9 fly

Travel in an airplane.

10 fly

Display in the air or cause to float.

11 fly

Run away quickly.

synonyms: flee, take flight.

Roget 623: abstain, refrain, spare, not attempt; not do etc. 681; maintain the even tenor of one's way.    eschew, keep from, let alone, have nothing to do with; keep aloof keep off, stand aloof, ... show more

Roget 293: depart; go away; take one's departure, set out; set off, march off, put off, start off, be off, move off, get off, whip off, pack off, go off, ... show more

Dutch: ontvluchten, wegvluchten, ontsnappen, knijpen, spankeren, vlieden, vluchten, weglopen

12 fly

Travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft.

13 fly

Hit a fly.

14 fly

Decrease rapidly and disappear.

synonyms: vanish, vaporize.


1 fly

British informal Not to be deceived or hoodwinked.

Moby thesaurus: abscond, absquatulate, advance, aeroplane, airlift, airplane, applique, arachnid, arise, arthropod, ascend, aspire, bait, ball the jack, balloon, barnstorm, barrel, be airborne, be annihilated, be consumed ... show more.

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