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1 Lug

Ancient Celtic god.

synonym: Lugh.

2 lug

A sail with four corners that is hoisted from a yard that is oblique to the mast.

synonym: lugsail.

Roget 418: hearing etc. v.; audition, auscultation; eavesdropping; audibility.    acute ear, nice ear, delicate ear, quick ear, sharp ear, correct ear, ... show more

Dutch: loggerzeil

3 lug

A projecting piece that is used to lift or support or turn something.

4 lug

Marine worms having a row of tufted gills along each side of the back; often used for fishing bait.

synonyms: lobworm, lugworm.

Polish: piaskówka, piasecznik, piasecznica, nalepian


1 lug

Carry with difficulty:
— You'll have to lug this suitcase.

synonyms: tote, tug.

Roget 285: draw, pull, haul, lug, rake, drag, tug, tow, trail, train; take in tow.    wrench, jerk, twitch, ... show more

Dutch: meesjouwen, meeslepen, meesleuren, meetrekken, meezeulen, rondsjouwen, rondslepen, sjouwen, torsen, zeulen

2 lug


synonyms: block, choke up, stuff.

Moby thesaurus: Eustachian tube, anvil, auditory apparatus, auditory canal, auditory meatus, auditory nerve, auditory ossicles, auditory tube, auricle, basilar membrane, bear, bony labyrinth, buck, carry, cauliflower ear, cochlea, conch, concha, conduct, convey ... show more.

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