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1 hiss

A fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval):
— The performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience.

synonyms: fizzle, hissing, hushing, sibilation.

Roget 409: sibilance, sibilation; zip; hiss etc. v.; sternutation; high note etc. 410.    [animals that hiss] goose, serpent, ... show more

Roget 932: disapprobation, disapproval; improbation; disesteem, disvaluation, displacency; odium; dislike etc. 867.    dispraise, discommendation; blame, censure, ... show more

Dutch: geschuifel
Polish: ksyk, syk

2 hiss

A cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt.

synonyms: bird, boo, Bronx cheer, hoot, raspberry, razz, razzing, snort.

Roget 929: disrespect, disesteem, disestimation; disparagement etc. (dispraise) 932, (detraction) 934.    irreverence; slight, neglect, spretae injuria formae [Lat.] [Vergil], ... show more

Dutch: snuiven, uitjouwen, awoert, boe
Polish: wygwizdanie


1 hiss

Make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval.

synonyms: sibilate, siss, sizz.

Roget 930: despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, feel contempt for, view with a scornful eye; disregard, slight, not mind; pass by etc. (neglect) 460.    look down upon; ... show more

Roget 932: disapprove; dislike etc. 867; lament etc. 839; object to, take exception to; be scandalized at, think ill of; view with disfavor, view with dark eyes, view with jaundiced eyes; ... show more

Roget 929: hold in disrespect etc. (despise) 930; misprize, disregard, slight, trifle with, set at naught, pass by, push aside, overlook, turn one's back upon, laugh in one's sleeve; ... show more

Roget 409: hiss, buzz, whiz, rustle; fizz, fizzle; wheeze, whistle, snuffle; squash; sneeze; sizzle, swish.   

Roget 412: cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow; growl, snarl.    [specific animal sounds] bark [dog, seal]; bow-wow, yelp [dog]; bay, ... show more

2 hiss

Move with a whooshing sound.

synonym: whoosh.

3 hiss

Express or utter with a hiss.

synonyms: sibilate, siss, sizz.

4 hiss

Show displeasure, as after a performance or speech.

synonym: boo.

Moby thesaurus: Bronx cheer, aphonia, artificial voice, assibilate, assibilation, bark, bawl, bellow, bird, blare, blat, blubber, boil, boil over, boo, booing, boom, bray, breathe, broken speech ... show more.

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