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1 beggar

A pauper who lives by begging.

synonym: mendicant.

Roget 767: petitioner, solicitor, applicant; suppliant, supplicant; suitor, candidate, claimant, postulant, aspirant, competitor, bidder; place hunter, pot hunter; ... show more

Roget 876: commonalty, democracy; obscurity; low condition, low life, low society, low company; bourgeoisie; mass of the people, mass of society; Brown Jones and Robinson; lower classes, humbler classes, ... show more

Roget 804: poverty, indigence, penury, pauperism, destitution, want; need, neediness; lack, necessity, privation, distress, difficulties, ... show more

Dutch: armoedzaaier, bedelaar, bedelman
Polish: dziad, żebrak


1 beggar

Be beyond the resources of.

Roget 874: be inglorious etc. adj.; incur disgrace etc. n.; have a bad name, earn a bad name; put a halter round one's neck, wear a halter round one's neck; disgrace oneself, expose oneself.    play second fiddle; ... show more

2 beggar

Reduce to beggary.

synonyms: pauperise, pauperize.

Moby thesaurus: Arab, Bowery bum, almsman, almswoman, asker, baffle, bankrupt, beach bum, beachcomber, beggarly fellow, blighter, bloke, bo, budmash, bum, bummer, cadger, caitiff, casual, challenge ... show more.

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