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1 grumble

A loud low dull continuous noise.

synonyms: grumbling, rumble, rumbling.

Dutch: geknor, gemekker, gerommel, rumble, straatgevecht

2 grumble

A complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone.

synonyms: grumbling, murmur, murmuring, mutter, muttering.

Roget 839: lament, lamentation; wail, complaint, plaint, murmur, mutter, grumble, groan, moan, whine, whimper, sob, ... show more

Dutch: grommen
Polish: pokwękanie


1 grumble

Show one's unhappiness or critical attitude:
— We grumbled about the increased work load.

synonyms: grouch, scold.

Roget 411: cry, roar, shout, bawl, brawl, halloo, halloa, hoop, whoop, yell, bellow, howl, scream, screech, ... show more

Dutch: brommen, grommen, klagen, knorren, mopperen

2 grumble

Make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath:
— She grumbles when she feels overworked.

synonyms: croak, gnarl, murmur, mutter.

Roget 839: lament, mourn, deplore, grieve, weep over; bewail, bemoan; condole with etc. 915; fret etc. (suffer) 828; ... show more

Roget 832: be discontented etc. adj.; quarrel with one's bread and butter; repine; regret etc. 833; wish one at the bottom of the Red Sea; take on, take to heart; shrug the shoulders; make a wry face, pull a long face; ... show more

Dutch: morren, murmureren

3 grumble

To utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds:
— He grumbled a rude response.
— Stones grumbled down the cliff.

synonyms: growl, rumble.

Dutch: grommelen, rommelen

4 grumble

Make a low noise.

synonym: rumble.

Dutch: grommelen, daveren, denderen, dreunen

Moby thesaurus: air a grievance, beef, belch, bellyache, bitch, blare, blat, boom, booming, brawl, bray, burr, buzz, cackle, cannonade, caw, chirr, clamor, clang, clangor ... show more.

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