English synonyms about - contact  

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1 found

Food and lodging provided in addition to money.


1 found

Set up or found.

synonyms: establish, launch, set up.

Roget 66: begin, start, commence; conceive, open, dawn, set in, take its rise, enter upon, enter; set out etc. (depart) ... show more

Dutch: stichten, instellen, institueren, oprichten

2 found

Set up or lay the groundwork for.

synonyms: constitute, establish, institute, plant.

Roget 153: be the cause of etc. n .; originate; give origin to, give rise, to, give occasion to; cause, occasion, sow the seeds of, kindle, suscitate; bring on, ... show more

Dutch: gronden, grondvesten, stichten, vestigen

3 found

Use as a basis for; found on.

synonyms: base, establish, ground.

Roget 215: be supported &c.; lie on, sit on, recline on, lean on, loll on, rest on, stand on, step on, repose on, abut on, bear on, be based on ... show more


1 found

Come upon unexpectedly or after searching.

Moby thesaurus: assemble, author, base, bear, bed, beget, begin, blaze, blister, block out, bottom, brand, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring to effect, bring to pass, bring up, broach, build ... show more.

Find more on found elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 find

A productive insight.

synonyms: breakthrough, discovery.

Roget 775: acquisition; gaining etc. v.; obtainment; procuration, procurement; purchase, descent, inheritance; gift etc. 784.    recovery, ... show more

Roget 480a: discovery, detection, disenchantment; ascertainment, disclosure, find, revelation.    trover [Law] etc. (recovery) 775.   

Dutch: vinding, doorbraak, ontdekking, vondst

2 find

The act of discovering something.

synonyms: discovery, uncovering.

Dutch: vondst


1 find

Come upon, as if by accident; meet with:
— We find this idea in Plato.

synonyms: bump, chance, encounter, happen.

Roget 151: happen, occur; take place, take effect; come, become of; come off, comeabout, come round, come into existence, come forth, come to pass, come on; pass, ... show more

Roget 637: provide; make provision, make due provision for; lay in, lay in a stock, lay in a store.    supply, suppeditate; furnish; find, find one in; arm.    cater, victual, ... show more

Dutch: treffen, confronteren, ontmoeten, vinden

2 find

Discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of.

synonyms: detect, discover, notice, observe.

Roget 480a: discover, find, determine, evolve, learn etc. 539; fix upon; pick up; find out, trace out, make out, hunt out, fish out, ... show more

Dutch: opsporen, detecteren, ontdekken, vinden

3 find

Come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost:
— Did you find your glasses?.
— I cannot find my gloves!.

synonym: regain.

Dutch: vondst, aantreffen, vinden

4 find

Establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study:
— Find the product of two numbers.

synonyms: ascertain, determine, find out.

Roget 480: judge, conclude; come to a conclusion, draw a conclusion, arrive at a conclusion; ascertain, determine, make up one's mind.    deduce, derive, gather, collect, draw an inference, ... show more

5 find

Come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds:
— I find him to be obnoxious.

synonym: feel.

6 find

Perceive or be contemporaneous with.

synonyms: see, witness.

7 find

Get something or somebody for a specific purpose.

synonyms: come up, get hold, line up.

8 find

Make a discovery, make a new finding.

synonym: discover.

9 find

Make a discovery.

synonym: discover.

Dutch: ontdekken

10 find

Obtain through effort or management.

11 find

Decide on and make a declaration about:
— Find someone guilty.

synonym: rule.

12 find

Receive a specified treatment (abstract):
— These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation.

synonyms: get, incur, obtain, receive.

Roget 775: acquire, get, gain, win, earn, obtain, procure, gather; collect etc. (assemble) 72; pick, pickup; ... show more

13 find

Perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place.

14 find

Get or find back; recover the use of.

synonyms: recover, regain, retrieve.

Dutch: herkrijgen, bergen, terugkrijgen, achterhalen, hervinden, terugvinden, weervinden

15 find

Succeed in reaching; arrive at.

16 find

Accept and make use of one's personality, abilities, and situation:
— My son went to Berkeley to find himself.

synonym: find oneself.

Moby thesaurus: accommodate, accomplish, achieve, acquire, act on, afford, allot, approach, arouse, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, ascertain, assign, attain, attain to, awaken, bargain, be informed, be received ... show more.

Find more on find elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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