English synonyms about - contact  

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1 stopping

Fastener consisting of a narrow strip of welded metal used to join steel members.

synonym: fillet.

Roget 263: stopper, stopple; plug, cork, bung, spike, spill, stopcock, tap; rammer; ram, ramrod; piston; ... show more

Roget 142: cessation, discontinuance, desistance, desinence.    intermission, remission; suspense, suspension; interruption; stop; stopping etc. v.; closure, ... show more

2 stopping

The kind of playing that involves pressing the fingers on the strings of a stringed instrument to control the pitch.

Find more on stopping elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 stop

The event of something ending:
— It came to a stop at the bottom of the hill.

synonym: halt.

2 stop

The act of stopping something:
— The third baseman made some remarkable stops.
— His stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood.

synonym: stoppage.

Dutch: prikactie
Polish: powstrzymanie, wstrzymanie, zatrzymanie

3 stop

A brief stay in the course of a journey:
— They made a stopover to visit their friends.

synonyms: layover, stopover.

Dutch: oponthoud, pitstop, tussenstation, tussenstop
Polish: postój

4 stop

The state of inactivity following an interruption:
— He spent the entire stop in his seat.

synonyms: arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stoppage.

Roget 706: prevention, preclusion, obstruction, stoppage; embolus, embolism [Med.]; infarct [Med.]; interruption, interception, interclusion; hindrance, impedition; retardment, ... show more

Roget 142: cessation, discontinuance, desistance, desinence.    intermission, remission; suspense, suspension; interruption; stop; stopping etc. v.; closure, ... show more

Dutch: stop
Polish: przestój

5 stop

A spot where something halts or pauses.

Dutch: halte, opstap, stopplaats
Polish: przystanek

6 stop

A consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it:
— His stop consonants are too aspirated.

synonyms: occlusive, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, stop consonant.

Dutch: occlusief
Polish: spółgłoska zwarta

7 stop

A punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations:
— In England they call a period a stop.

synonyms: full point, full stop, period, point.

Dutch: oord, plaats, punt
Polish: kropka

8 stop

music A knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes.

Dutch: slot
Polish: rejestr, register

9 stop

A mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens.

synonym: diaphragm.

Dutch: diafragma

10 stop

A restraint that checks the motion of something:
— He used a book as a stop to hold the door open.

synonym: catch.

Polish: odbój

11 stop

An obstruction in a pipe or tube.

synonyms: block, blockage, closure, occlusion, stoppage.

Dutch: verstopping, versperring, blokkade, tegenhouden, blokkeren, versperren


1 stop

Come to a halt, stop moving:
— The car stopped.
— She stopped in front of a store window.

synonym: halt.

Roget 681: not do, not act, not attempt; be inactive etc. 683; abstain from doing, do nothing, hold, spare; not stir, not move, not lift a finger, not lift a foot, ... show more

Roget 265: be quiescent etc. adj.; stand still, lie still; keep quiet, repose, hold the breath.    remain, stay; stand, lie to, ride at anchor, remain in situ, ... show more

Roget 403: be silent etc. adj.; hold one's tongue etc. (not speak) 585.    render silent etc. adj.; silence, still, hush; stifle, ... show more

Dutch: aanhouden, halthouden, ophouden, stilstaan, deppen, stoppen, afbreken, beëindigen

2 stop

Put an end to a state or an activity.

synonyms: cease, discontinue, give up, lay off, quit.

Roget 142: cease, discontinue, desist, stay, halt; break off, leave off; hold, stop, pull up, stop short; stick, hang fire; halt; ... show more

Roget 624: relinquish, give up, abandon, desert, forsake, leave in the lurch; go back on; depart from, secede from, withdraw from; back out of; leave, quit, take leave of, ... show more

Dutch: opdoeken, opheffen

3 stop

Stop from happening or developing.

synonyms: block, halt, kibosh.

4 stop

Interrupt a trip:
— We stopped at Aunt Mary's house.
— They stopped for three days in Florence.

synonym: stop over.

5 stop

Cause to stop.

Dutch: houden, stilzetten, stoppen, tegenhouden

6 stop

Prevent completion:
— Stop the project.

synonyms: break, break off, discontinue.

Dutch: afbreken, staken

7 stop

Hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of.

synonyms: arrest, check, contain, hold back, turn back.

Dutch: keren

8 stop

Seize on its way.

synonym: intercept.

9 stop

Have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical:
— Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other.

synonyms: cease, end, finish, terminate.

Roget 67: end, close, finish, terminate, conclude, be all over; expire; die etc. 360; come-, draw-to-a-close etc. n.; ... show more

Dutch: aftrappen, eindigen, nokken, ophouden, stilleggen, stoppen, uitlopen, uitscheiden

10 stop

Render unsuitable for passage:
— Stop the busy road.

synonyms: bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade.

Roget 261: close, occlude, plug; block up, stop up, fill up, bung up, cork up, button up, stuff up, shut up, dam up; blockade, ... show more

Roget 706: hinder, impede, filibuster [U.S.], impedite, embarrass.    keep off, stave off, ward off; obviate; avert, antevert; turn aside, draw off, ... show more

Dutch: afzetten

11 stop

Stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments.

synonym: hold on.

Moby thesaurus: English horn, abandon, abjure, abort, afterthought, allophone, alveolar, anchorage, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, arrest, arrestation, articulation, aspiration, assimilation, awe, baffle, ban, bar, barricade ... show more.

Find more on stop elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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