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1 finis

The temporal end; the concluding time:
— The market was up at the finish.

synonyms: close, conclusion, finale, finish, last, stopping point.

Roget 67: end, close, termination; desinence, conclusion, finis, finale, period, term, terminus, endpoint, last, omega; extreme, ... show more

Roget 142: cessation, discontinuance, desistance, desinence.    intermission, remission; suspense, suspension; interruption; stop; stopping etc. v.; closure, ... show more

2 finis

The concluding part of any performance.

synonyms: close, closing curtain, finale.

Dutch: besluit, finale, slot, slotstuk

Moby thesaurus: Z, apodosis, catastrophe, ceasing, cessation, coda, conclusion, consummation, crack of doom, culmination, curtain, curtains, death, decease, denouement, destination, destiny, doom, effect, end ... show more.

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