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1 bombard

A large shawm; the bass member of the shawm family.

synonym: bombardon.

Dutch: bombarde


1 bombard

Cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile.

synonym: pelt.

Roget 716: attack, assault, assail; invade; set upon, fall upon; charge, impugn, break a lance with, enter the lists.    assume the offensive, take the offensive; be the aggressor, become the aggressor; ... show more

2 bombard

Throw bombs at or attack with bombs.

synonym: bomb.

3 bombard

Address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage:
— The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer.

synonym: barrage.

4 bombard

Direct high energy particles or radiation against.

Moby thesaurus: accelerate, activate, aim at, assail, assault, atomize, attack, barrage, batter, besiege, blast, blitz, blow to pieces, blow up, bomb, cannon, cannonade, cleave, commence firing, cross-bombard ... show more.

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