English synonyms about - contact  

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1 afraid

Filled with fear or apprehension.

Roget 860: fearing etc. v.; frightened etc. v.; in fear, in a fright etc. n.; haunted with the fear of etc. n.; afeard.    ... show more

2 afraid

Filled with regret or concern; used often to soften an unpleasant statement.

3 afraid

Feeling worry or concern or insecurity.

4 afraid

Having feelings of aversion or unwillingness.

Moby thesaurus: abulic, afeared, aghast, anxious, apologetic, apprehensive, averse, backward, cautious, chary, chicken, chickenhearted, coward, cowardly, cowed, craven, daunted, dismayed, edgy, faint ... show more.

Find more on afraid elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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