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1 lenience

Mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant.

synonyms: leniency, lenity, mildness.

Roget 740: lenity, lenience, leniency; moderation etc. 174; tolerance, toleration; mildness, gentleness; favor, indulgence, indulgency; clemency, ... show more

Dutch: clementie, zachtheid
Polish: pobłażanie, pobłażliwość

2 lenience

A disposition to yield to the wishes of someone.

synonyms: indulgence, leniency.

Dutch: conniventie, conveniëntie, coulance, flexibiliteit, inschikkelijkheid, meegaandheid, plooibaarheid, souplesse

3 lenience

Lightening a penalty or excusing from a chore by judges or parents or teachers.

synonym: leniency.

Polish: folgowanie

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