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1 tranquil

of a body of water Free from disturbance by heavy waves:
— A lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky.

synonyms: placid, quiet, smooth, still, unruffled.

Roget 714: concordant, congenial; agreeing etc. v.; in accord etc. n.; harmonious, united, cemented; banded together etc. 712; ... show more

Roget 174: moderate; lenient etc. 740; gentle, mild, mellow; cool, sober, temperate, reasonable, measured; tempered etc. ... show more

2 tranquil

Not agitated; without losing self-possession:
— She became more tranquil.
— Tranquil life in the country.

synonyms: calm, serene, unagitated.

Roget 721: pacific; peaceable, peaceful; calm, tranquil, untroubled, halcyon; bloodless; neutral.    dovish

Roget 826: inexcitable, unexcitable; imperturbable; unsusceptible etc. (insensible) 823; unpassionate, dispassionate; cold-blooded, irritable; enduring etc. ... show more

Polish: spokojny

Moby thesaurus: at peace, at rest, blank, blankminded, bloodless, calm, cloistered, collected, composed, concordant, cool, coolheaded, dispassionate, dwindling, easy, easygoing, ebbing, empty, empty-headed, equable ... show more.

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