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1 dirty

Make soiled, filthy, or dirty.

synonyms: begrime, bemire, colly, grime, soil.

Roget 653: be unclean, become unclean etc. adj.; rot, putrefy, ferment, fester, rankle, reek; stink etc. 401; mold, ... show more

Dutch: Schotse herdershond, grond, bodem


1 dirty

Soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime:
— Dirty unswept sidewalks.
— A child in dirty overalls.
— Dirty slums.
— Piles of dirty dishes.
— Put his dirty feet on the clean sheet.
— Mining is a dirty job.
— Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves.

synonyms: soiled, unclean.

Roget 653: dirty, filthy, grimy; unclean, impure; soiled etc. v.; not to be handled with kid gloves; dusty, snuffy, smutty, sooty, ... show more

Roget 874: disgraced etc. v.; blown upon; shorn of its beams" [Milton], shorn of one's glory; overcome, downtrodden; loaded with shame etc. n.; in bad repute etc. ... show more

Dutch: besmeurd
Polish: brudny, zabrudzony

2 dirty

of behavior or especially language Characterized by obscenity or indecency.

Polish: brudny

3 dirty

Vile; despicable:
— A dirty (or lousy) trick.

synonyms: filthy, lousy.

4 dirty

Spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination:
— The air near the foundry was always dirty.
— A dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout.

synonym: contaminating.

5 dirty

Contaminated with infecting organisms:
— Dirty wounds.

synonym: pestiferous.

6 dirty

of color Discolored by impurities; not bright and clear:
— Dirty.
— A dirty (or dingy) white.
— Dirty-green walls.
— Dirty-blonde hair.

synonyms: dingy, muddied, muddy.

Roget 422: dim, dull, lackluster, dingy, darkish, shorn of its beams, dark 421.    faint, shadowed forth; glassy; cloudy; misty etc. ... show more

Roget 426: opaque, impervious to light; adiaphanous; dim etc. 422; turbid, thick, muddy, opacous, obfuscated, fuliginous, cloud, hazy, ... show more

Roget 426a: turbid, thick, muddy, obfuscated, fuliginous, hazy, misty, foggy, vaporous, nubiferous; cloudy (cloud) 353.    ... show more

7 dirty

of a manuscript Defaced with changes:
— Foul (or dirty) copy.

synonyms: foul, marked-up.

Roget 940: dishonest, dishonorable; unconscientious, unscrupulous; fraudulent etc. 545; knavish; disgraceful etc. (disreputable) 974; wicked etc. ... show more

8 dirty

Obtained illegally or by improper means:
— Dirty money.

synonym: ill-gotten.

9 dirty

Expressing or revealing hostility or dislike.

10 dirty

Violating accepted standards or rules:
— A dirty fighter.

synonyms: cheating, foul, unsporting, unsportsmanlike.

11 dirty

Unethical or dishonest:
— Dirty police officers.

synonyms: shoddy, sordid.

12 dirty

Unpleasantly stormy.

Moby thesaurus: Fescennine, Rabelaisian, abject, abominable, abusive, angry, animal, aphrodisiomaniacal, arrant, atrocious, attaint, bad, barfy, base, base-minded, bawdy, bedaub, bedraggled, befoul, befouled ... show more.

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