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1 clement

of weather or climate Physically mild.

Roget 826: inexcitable, unexcitable; imperturbable; unsusceptible etc. (insensible) 823; unpassionate, dispassionate; cold-blooded, irritable; enduring etc. ... show more

Roget 914: pitying etc. v.; pitiful, compassionate, sympathetic, touched.    merciful, clement, ruthful; humane; humanitarian etc. ... show more

Roget 740: lenient; mild, mild as milk; gentle, soft; tolerant, indulgent, easy-going; clement etc. (compassionate) 914; forbearing; ... show more

2 clement

used of persons or behavior Inclined to show mercy.

Moby thesaurus: accepting, benevolent, benign, benignant, bleeding, charitable, commiserative, compassionate, condolent, easy, easygoing, forbearant, forbearing, forgiving, gentle, human, humane, indulgent, kind, kindly ... show more.

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