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1 wish

A specific feeling of desire:
— He got his wish.
— He was above all wishing and desire.

synonyms: want, wishing.

Roget 620: intent, intention, intentionality; purpose; quo animo [Lat.]; project etc. 626; undertaking etc. 676; predetermination etc. 611; ... show more

Roget 865: desire, wish, fancy, fantasy; want, need, exigency.    mind, inclination, leaning, bent, animus, partiality, ... show more

Roget 600: will, volition, conation, velleity; liberum arbitrium [Lat.]; will and pleasure, free will; freedom etc. 748; discretion; option etc. ... show more

Dutch: wens

2 wish

An expression of some desire or inclination:
— I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave.

synonym: indirect request.

3 wish

usually plural A polite expression of desire for someone's welfare:
— My best wishes.

synonyms: compliments, regard.

Polish: życzenia

4 wish

The particular preference that you have.


1 wish

Hope for; have a wish.

Dutch: wensen, wens

2 wish

Prefer or wish to do something.

synonyms: care, like.

Roget 865: desire; wish, wish for; be desirous etc. adj.. have a longing etc. n.; hope etc. 858.    care for, affect, ... show more

3 wish

Make or express a wish.

4 wish

Feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of.

synonym: wish well.

Dutch: toedragen

5 wish

Order politely; express a wish for.

Dutch: toewensen, wensen

6 wish

Invoke upon:
— Wish you a nice evening.

synonym: bid.

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