minor as a noun: 1
as a verb: 1
as an adjective: 1
minor child fry kid nestling nipper shaver small fry tiddler tike tyke youngster juvenile juvenile person bairn buster changeling child prodigy infant prodigy wonder child foster-child foster child fosterling imp monkey rapscallion rascal scalawag scallywag scamp kiddie kiddy orphan peanut picaninny piccaninny pickaninny poster child kindergartener kindergartner preschooler silly sprog bambino toddler tot yearling urchin street child waif child's body jump to corresponding sense entry
minor noun
1 minor A young person of either sex.
synonyms: child , fry , kid , nestling , nipper , shaver , small fry , tiddler , tike , tyke , youngster ... show more .
Roget 129 :
infant ,
babe ,
baby ,
babe in arms ;
nurseling ,
suckling ,
yearling ,
weanling ;
papoose ,
bambino ;
kid ;
vagitus .
child ,
bairn [Scot.] ,
little one ,
brat ,
chit ,
pickaninny ,
urchin ;
bantling ,
bratling † ;
elf .
youth ,
boy ,
lad ,
stripling ,
youngster ,
youngun ,
younker † ,
callant † ,
whipster † ,
whippersnapper ,
whiffet [U.S.] ,
schoolboy ,
hobbledehoy ,
hopeful ,
cadet ,
minor ,
master .
scion ;
sap ,
seedling ;
tendril ,
olive branch ,
nestling ,
chicken ,
larva ,
chrysalis ,
tadpole ,
whelp ,
cub ,
pullet ,
fry ,
callow ;
codlin , codling;
foetus ,
calf ,
colt ,
pup ,
foal ,
kitten ;
lamb ,
lambkin † ;
aurelia † ,
caterpillar ,
cocoon ,
nymph ,
nympha † ,
orphan ,
pupa ,
staddle † .
girl ;
lass ,
lassie ;
wench ,
miss ,
damsel ,
demoiselle ;
maid ,
maiden ;
virgin ;
hoyden .
... show more
Dutch: jongere, jongeling, minderjarige, ding, kind Polish: dziecko, dziecię
1 minor Have as one's secondary field of study.
1 minor Of lesser importance or stature or rank.
2 minor Lesser in scope or effect.
3 minor Inferior in number or size or amount.
Polish: mniejszościowy
4 minor of a scale or mode Having half steps between the second and third degrees, and (usually) the fifth and sixth degrees, and the seventh and eighth degrees.
Polish: minorowy, mollowy, molowy
5 minor 6 minor Of lesser seriousness or danger.
7 minor Of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization.
8 minor Of the younger of two boys with the same family name.
9 minor Warranting only temporal punishment.
synonym: venial .
10 minor Relatively moderate, limited, or small.
synonyms: modest , pocket-size , pocket-sized , small , small-scale .
Roget 34 :
inferior ,
smaller ;
32 ;
minor ,
less ,
lesser ,
deficient ,
minus ,
lower ,
subordinate ,
secondary ;
651 ;
sub ,
subaltern ;
thrown into the shade ;
weighed in the balance and found wanting ;
not fit to hold a candle to ,
can't hold a candle to .
least ,
193 ;
lowest .
36 ;
195 ;
643 .
... show more
Polish: nieduży, nieliczny, mały, niewielki
Moby thesaurus: academic specialty , adolescent , area , average , baby , back-burner , boy , budding , callow , casual , child , classical education , common , core curriculum , course , course of study , curriculum , demeaning , dependent , dewy , dinky , disadvantaged , discipline , dispensable , dominant , elective , fair , field , fledgling , general education , general studies , girl , green , growing , hopeful , humanities , humble , immaterial , immature , impubic , in the shade , inappreciable , inconsequential , inconsiderable , indifferent , inessential , inexperienced , infant , inferior , infra dig , ingenuous , innocent , insignificant , intact , irrelevant , juicy , junior , juvenal , juvenile , key , key signature , keynote , lad , laddie , lass , lassie , less , lesser , liberal arts , light , little , low , lower , lowly , major , major key , mediant , mediocre , medium , middling , minute , modest , naive , negligible , new-fledged , nonessential , not vital , obscure , one-horse , ordinary , paltry , pedal point , petit , petty , picayune , piddling , proseminar , pubescent , quadrivium , raw , refresher course , ripening , sapling , sappy , schoolboy , schoolgirl , scientific education , second rank , second string , second-rate , secondary , seminar , servile , shoestring , slight , slip , small , small-beer , small-fry , small-time , smaller , specialty , sprig , stripling , study , sub , subaltern , subdiscipline , subdominant , subject , submediant , subordinate , subservient , subsidiary , subtonic , supertonic , technical , technical education , teenager , teener , teenybopper , tender , third rank , third string , tonality , tonic , tonic key , trifling , trivial , trivium , two-bit , unadult , underage , underprivileged , undeveloped , undistinguished , unessential , unfledged , unformed , unimportant , unimpressive , unlicked , unmellowed , unnoteworthy , unnoticeable , unripe , unseasoned , vernal , virginal , vulgar , ward , young hopeful , young person , younger , youngest , youngling , youngster , youth ... show more .
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