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1 misunderstanding

Putting the wrong interpretation on.

synonyms: misinterpretation, mistaking.

Roget 713: disagreement etc. 24; discord, disaccord, dissidence, dissonance; jar, clash, shock; jarring, jostling etc. v.; ... show more

Roget 24: disagreement; discord, discordance; dissonance, dissidence, discrepancy; unconformity etc. 83; incongruity, incongruence; discongruity, mesalliance; jarring ... show more

Dutch: verkeerde interpretatie, misverstand

2 misunderstanding

An understanding of something that is not correct:
— There must be some misunderstanding--I don't have a sister.

synonyms: misapprehension, mistake.

Roget 523: misinterpretation, misapprehension, misunderstanding, misacceptation, misconstruction, misapplication; catachresis; eisegesis; cross-reading, cross-purposes; mistake etc. 495.    misrepresentation, ... show more

Roget 495: error, fallacy; misconception, misapprehension, misstanding, misunderstanding; inexactness etc. adj.; laxity; misconstruction etc. (misinterpretation) 523; ... show more

Dutch: misvatting, beoordelingsfout, malentendu, misverstand
Polish: omyłka, kiks, błąd, pomyłka

Moby thesaurus: abuse of terms, agreement to disagree, argument, catachresis, clerical error, contorting, controversy, corrigendum, cross-purposes, difference, difference of opinion, difficulty, disagreement, discord, disparity, dispute, dissension, distortion, dividedness, division ... show more.

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