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1 collapse

An abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion.

synonym: prostration.

Roget 659: deterioration, debasement; wane, ebb; recession etc. 287; retrogradation etc. 283; decrease etc. 36.    ... show more

Roget 306: descent, descension, declension, declination; fall; falling etc. v.; slump; drop, plunge, plummet, cadence; subsidence, ... show more

Roget 732: failure; nonsuccess, nonfulfillment; dead failure, successlessness; abortion, miscarriage; brutum fulmen etc. 158 [Lat.]; labor in vain etc. (inutility) 645; ... show more

Roget 688: fatigue; weariness etc. 841; yawning, drowsiness etc. 683; lassitude, tiredness, fatigation, exhaustion; sweat; dyspnoea.    ... show more

Roget 158: impotence; inability, disability; disablement, impuissance, imbecility; incapacity, incapability; inaptitude, ineptitude, incompetence, unproductivity; indocility; invalidity, ... show more

Roget 195: contraction, reduction, diminution; decrease of size etc. 36; defalcation, decrement; lessening, shrinking etc. v.; compaction; ... show more

Polish: kollaps, kolaps, zapaść

2 collapse

A natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in.

Dutch: autopech, motorpech, panne, pech, verzakking

3 collapse

The act of throwing yourself down.

synonym: flop.

4 collapse

A sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures).

synonym: crash.

Dutch: beurscrash, crash, knal, beurskrach


1 collapse

Break down, literally or metaphorically:
— The wall collapsed.
— The business collapsed.
— The roof collapsed.

synonyms: break, cave in, fall in, founder, give, give way.

Roget 195: become small, become smaller; lessen, decrease etc. 36; grow less, dwindle, shrink, contract, narrow, shrivel, collapse, wither, ... show more

Roget 304: 303, come short of, fall short of, stop short of, come short, fall short, stop short; not reach; want; keep within bounds, keep within the mark, keep within the compass.    break down, stick in the mud, ... show more

Roget 158: be impotent etc. adj.; not have a leg to stand on.    vouloir rompre l'anguille au genou [Fr.], vouloir prendre la lune avec les dents [Fr.].    collapse, faint, swoon, fall into a swoon, drop; go by the board, go by the wayside; ... show more

Roget 730: not complete etc. 729; leave unfinished etc. adj., leave undone, drop, put down; neglect etc. 460; let alone, let slip; ... show more

Dutch: meegeven

2 collapse

Collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack.

synonym: break down.

Dutch: stukgaan

3 collapse

Fold or close up.

4 collapse

Fall apart.

synonyms: break down, crumble, crumple, tumble.

Roget 732: fail; be unsuccessful etc. adj.; not succeed etc. 731; make vain efforts etc. n.; do in vain, labor in vain, toil in vain; flunk [U.S.]; ... show more

Dutch: uit elkaar vallen, instorten, inzakken

5 collapse

Cause to burst.

synonym: burst.

6 collapse

Suffer a nervous breakdown.

synonyms: break up, crack, crack up, crock up.

Dutch: doldraaien, doordraaien, inklappen, instorten, inzakken

7 collapse

Lose significance, effectiveness, or value.

Moby thesaurus: OD, Waterloo, amiable weakness, bankruptcy, be brought down, be felled, be found wanting, be ruined, be struck down, be traumatized, beating, become insolvent, bend, blow, bouncing check, break, break down, break out, break up, breakability ... show more.

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