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1 honeycomb

A structure of small hexagonal cells constructed from beeswax by bees and used to store honey and larvae.

Roget 252a: sponge, honeycomb, network; frit [Chem], filter.    sieve, net, screen (opening) 260.   

Roget 260: hole, foramen; puncture, perforation; fontanel; transforation; pinhole, keyhole, loophole, porthole, peephole, mousehole, pigeonhole; eye of a needle; ... show more

Roget 659: deterioration, debasement; wane, ebb; recession etc. 287; retrogradation etc. 283; decrease etc. 36.    ... show more

Roget 252: concavity, depression, dip; hollow, hollowness; indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, ... show more

Polish: plaster

2 honeycomb

A framework of hexagonal cells resembling the honeycomb built by bees.


1 honeycomb

Carve a honeycomb pattern into.

2 honeycomb

Penetrate thoroughly and into every part.

3 honeycomb

Make full of cavities, like a honeycomb.

Moby thesaurus: alveolation, alveolus, ambrosia, artificial sweetener, auger, bespread, bite, blackstrap, bore, broach, calcium cyclamate, cane syrup, clover honey, colander, comb honey, corn syrup, countersink, crawl with, creep with, cribble ... show more.

Find more on honeycomb elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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