English synonyms about - contact  

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1 disappearance

The act of leaving secretly or without explanation.

synonym: disappearing.

Roget 449: disappearance, evanescence, eclipse, occultation.    departure etc. 293; exit; vanishing point; dissolving views.   

Dutch: verdwijning
Polish: zniknięcie, ulotnienie się

2 disappearance

The event of passing out of sight.

Dutch: verdwijning

3 disappearance

Gradually ceasing to be visible.

synonym: fade.

Polish: matowienie, pełźnięcie, blaknięcie, płowienie, bladnięcie, blednięcie

4 disappearance

Ceasing to exist.

Moby thesaurus: AWOL, French leave, abscondence, absence, absence without leave, absentation, absenteeism, absenting, absquatulation, bolt, concealment, cut, day off, decampment, default, departure, desertion, disappearing act, elopement, escape ... show more.

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