English synonyms about - contact  



1 geld

Cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses):
— The vet gelded the young horse.

synonym: cut.

Roget 38: subduct, subtract; deduct, deduce; bate, retrench; remove, withdraw, take from, take away; detract.    garble, mutilate, amputate, ... show more

Roget 158: be impotent etc. adj.; not have a leg to stand on.    vouloir rompre l'anguille au genou [Fr.], vouloir prendre la lune avec les dents [Fr.].    collapse, faint, swoon, fall into a swoon, drop; go by the board, go by the wayside; ... show more

Dutch: castreren, ontmannen, snijden

Moby thesaurus: alter, castrate, change, demasculinize, desexualize, effeminate, effeminatize, effeminize, emasculate, eunuchize, fix, mutilate, neuter, sissify, soften, spay, unsex, womanize.

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