English synonyms about - contact  

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jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

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jump to corresponding sense entry



1 jack

A small worthless amount:
— You don't know jack.

synonyms: diddley, diddly, diddly-shit, diddly-squat, diddlyshit, diddlysquat, doodly-squat, shit, squat.

Roget 312: rotation, revolution, spinning, gyration, turning about an axis, turning aound an axis, circulation, roll; circumrotation, circumvolution, circumgyration; volutation, circination, turbination, ... show more

Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics; Zeitgeist.    [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, ... show more

Dutch: schijt
Polish: zero, nic

2 Jack

A man who serves as a sailor.

synonyms: gob, Jack-tar, mariner, old salt, sea dog, seafarer, seaman, tar.

Dutch: matroos, gob, varensman, zeeman, zeevaarder
Polish: marynarz

3 jack

Someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor.

synonyms: laborer, labourer, manual laborer.

Dutch: arbeider, handarbeider, loonarbeider, werkman
Polish: pracownik fizyczny, fizyczny

4 jack

Immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious seeds that are commonly roasted.

synonyms: jackfruit, jak.

Polish: jackfruit, dżakfrut

5 jack

A small ball at which players aim in lawn bowling.

Dutch: stekker
Polish: kitty, jack

6 jack

An electrical device consisting of a connector socket designed for the insertion of a plug.

7 jack

Game equipment consisting of one of several small six-pointed metal pieces that are picked up while bouncing a ball in the game of jacks.

synonym: jackstones.

8 jack

Small flag indicating a ship's nationality.

9 jack

One of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a young prince.

synonym: knave.

Roget 840: amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games; diversion, divertissement; reaction, solace; pastime, passetemps [Fr.], sport; ... show more

Dutch: jekker, boer
Polish: jopek, jop, walet, dupek

10 jack

Tool for exerting pressure or lifting.

Dutch: autocric, autokrik, cric, dommekracht, krik, vijzel
Polish: dźwignik, podnośnik

11 jack

Any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seas.

Polish: ostrobok

12 jack

Male donkey.

synonym: jackass.

Dutch: ezel


1 jack

Lift with a special device:
— Jack up the car so you can change the tire.

synonym: jack up.

2 jack

Hunt with a jacklight.

synonym: jacklight.

Moby thesaurus: AB, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Dannebrog, Dylan, Flying Dutchman, Jolly Roger, Neptune, OD, Old Glory, Poseidon, Rocky Mountain canary, Star-Spangled Banner, Stars and Stripes, Union Flag, Union Jack, Varuna, able seaman, able-bodied seaman, ace ... show more.

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