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1 swivel

A coupling (as in a chain) that has one end that turns on a headed pin.

Roget 727: arm, arms; weapon, deadly weapon; armament, armaments, armature; panoply, stand of arms; armor etc. (defense) 717; armory ... show more

Roget 312: rotation, revolution, spinning, gyration, turning about an axis, turning aound an axis, circulation, roll; circumrotation, circumvolution, circumgyration; volutation, circination, turbination, ... show more

Dutch: wartel


1 swivel

Turn on a pivot.

synonym: pivot.

Moby thesaurus: arbor, axis, axle, axle bar, axle shaft, axle spindle, axle-tree, circle, circulate, circumrotate, circumvolute, come about, crank, distaff, fetch about, fulcrum, gimbal, go about, go around, go round ... show more.

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