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1 bodied

Having a body or a body of a specified kind; often used in combination.

2 bodied

Possessing or existing in bodily form.

synonyms: corporal, corporate, embodied, incarnate.

Find more on bodied elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 body

The entire physical structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being):
— He felt as if his whole body were on fire.

synonym: organic structure.

Roget 372: man, mankind; human race, human species, human kind, human nature; humanity, mortality, flesh, generation.    [Science of man] anthropology, anthropogeny, ... show more

Roget 72: assemblage; collection, collocation, colligation; compilation, levy, gathering, ingathering, muster, attroupement; team; concourse, conflux, congregation, ... show more

Roget 712: party, faction, side, denomination, communion, set, crew, band.    horde, posse, phalanx; family, clan, etc. ... show more

Dutch: lijk, ons aardse huis, donder, bast, body, corpus, korpus, lichaam, lijf
Polish: ciało, organizm

2 body

A group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity.

Polish: kolegium

3 body

A natural object consisting of a dead animal or person:
— They found the body in the lake.

synonym: dead body.

Dutch: lichaam, lijk, stoffelijk overschot, kadaver

4 body

An individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects.

Dutch: lichaam

5 body

The body excluding the head and neck and limbs.

synonyms: torso, trunk.

Roget 50: whole, totality, integrity; totalness etc. adj.; entirety, ensemble, collectiveness; unity etc. 87; completeness etc. ... show more

Dutch: bovenlijf, romp, tors, torso
Polish: korpus, tułów, kadłub

6 body

A collection of particulars considered as a system.

7 body

The property of holding together and retaining its shape:
— Wool has more body than rayon.

synonyms: consistence, consistency, substance.

Roget 316: materiality, materialness; corporeity, corporality; substantiality, substantialness, flesh and blood, plenum; physical condition.    matter, body, substance, brute matter, ... show more

Roget 3: substantiality, hypostasis; person, being, thing, object, article, item; something, a being, an existence; creature, body, substance, ... show more

Polish: konsystencja

8 body

The central message of a communication.

Dutch: klankkast

9 body

The main mass of a thing.

10 body

A resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin).

synonym: soundbox.

Dutch: klankkast
Polish: pudło, rezonator

11 body

The external structure of a vehicle.

Polish: blacharka


1 body

Invest with or as with a body; give body to.

synonym: personify.

Moby thesaurus: Adamite, Bund, Festschrift, Rochdale cooperative, affiliation, age group, aggregate, alliance, amount, amplitude, an existence, ana, anatomy, anthology, aquarium, area, array, ascender, ashes, ashram ... show more.

Find more on body elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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