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1 stern

The rear part of a ship.

synonyms: after part, poop, quarter, tail.

Dutch: achterschip, achtersteven, steven
Polish: rufa

2 Stern

United States concert violinist (born in Russia in 1920).

synonym: Isaac Stern.

3 stern

The fleshy part of the human body that you sit on.

synonyms: arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, butt, buttocks, can ... show more.

Roget 235: rear, back, posteriority; rear rank, rear guard; background, hinterland.    occiput [Anat.], nape, chine; heels; tail, rump, croup, ... show more

Dutch: achterste, achtersteven, achterwerk, batterij, bibs, bips, derrière, fundament, gat, hol ... show more
Polish: cztery litery, pupa, tyłek, zadek


1 stern

Of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect:
— A stern face.

synonym: austere.

Roget 895: discourteous, uncourteous; uncourtly; ill-bred, ill-mannered, ill-behaved, ill-conditioned; unbred; unmannerly, unmannered; impolite, unpolite; unpolished, uncivilized, ... show more

Polish: surowy, groźny, srogi

2 stern

Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty:
— The stern demands of parenthood.

synonyms: grim, inexorable, relentless, unappeasable, unforgiving, unrelenting.

Roget 739: severe; strict, hard, harsh, dour, rigid, stiff, stern, rigorous, uncompromising, exacting, exigent, exigeant, inexorable, ... show more

3 stern

Severe and unremitting in making demands:
— A stern disciplinarian.

synonyms: exacting, strict.

Polish: srogi, surowy

4 stern

Severely simple.

synonyms: austere, severe, stark.

Moby thesaurus: Spartan, Spartanic, adamant, adamantine, afterpart, afterpiece, arse, ascetic, ass, astringent, austere, authoritarian, back, back door, back seat, back side, backside, beam, behind, bottom ... show more.

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