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1 totality

The state of being total and complete:
— Appalled by the totality of the destruction.

synonyms: entireness, entirety, integrality.

Dutch: volledigheid, totaliteit, geheel
Polish: całokształt, suma

2 totality

The quality of being complete and indiscriminate.

Polish: totalność

3 totality

The whole amount.

synonyms: aggregate, sum, total.

Roget 50: whole, totality, integrity; totalness etc. adj.; entirety, ensemble, collectiveness; unity etc. 87; completeness etc. ... show more

Dutch: totaal, totaalbedrag

Moby thesaurus: Copernican universe, Einsteinian universe, Newtonian universe, Ptolemaic universe, aggregate, all, all being, all creation, all hands, all the world, allness, alpha and omega, be-all and end-all, beginning and end, collectivity, completeness, complex, comprehensiveness, cosmos, created nature ... show more.

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