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1 low

An air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation:
— A low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow.

synonym: depression.

Dutch: depressie, depressiegebied, lagedrukgebied, stormdepressie
Polish: depresja, niż

2 Low

British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963).

synonyms: David Low, Sir David Alexander Cecil Low, Sir David Low.

3 low

A low level or position or degree.

Dutch: dieptepunt, laagtepunt, laagterecord, nulpunt
Polish: niż

4 low

The lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving.

synonyms: first, first gear, low gear.

Polish: pierwszy bieg


1 low

Make a low noise, characteristic of bovines.

synonym: moo.

Roget 412: cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow; growl, snarl.    [specific animal sounds] bark [dog, seal]; bow-wow, yelp [dog]; bay, ... show more


1 low

Less than normal in degree or intensity or amount.

Roget 815: cheap; low, low priced; moderate, reasonable; inexpensive, unexpensive; well worth the money, worth the money; magnifique et pas cher [Fr.]; good at the price, cheap at the price; dirt cheap, dog cheap; ... show more

Roget 405: inaudible; scarcely audible, just audible; low, dull; stifled, muffled; hoarse, husky; gentle, soft, faint; floating; purling, ... show more

Roget 851: in bad taste vulgar, unrefined.    coarse, indecorous, ribald, gross; unseemly, unbeseeming, unpresentable; contra bonos mores [Lat.]; ungraceful etc. (ugly) 846.    ... show more

Roget 876: ignoble, common, mean, low, base, vile, sorry, scrubby, beggarly; below par; no great shakes etc. (unimportant) 643; ... show more

Roget 207: low, neap, debased; nether, nether most; flat, level with the ground; lying low etc. v.; crouched, subjacent, squat, prostrate ... show more

Polish: niski

2 low

Literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension.

Polish: niewysoki, mały, niski

3 low

Very low in volume:
— A low murmur.
— The low-toned murmur of the surf.

synonym: low-toned.

4 low

Unrefined in character.

5 low

Used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency.

synonym: low-pitched.

Polish: niskotonowy, dolny, niski

6 low

Of the most contemptible kind:
— A low stunt to pull.
— A low-down sneak.

synonyms: abject, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy.

Roget 874: disgraced etc. v.; blown upon; shorn of its beams" [Milton], shorn of one's glory; overcome, downtrodden; loaded with shame etc. n.; in bad repute etc. ... show more

7 low

Low or inferior in station or quality:
— A lowly parish priest.

synonyms: humble, lowly, modest, small.

Roget 32: small, little; diminutive etc. (small in size) 193; minute; fine; inconsiderable, paltry etc. (unimportant) 643; faint ... show more

8 low

No longer sufficient:
— Supplies are low.

synonym: depleted.

9 low

Subdued or brought low in condition or status:
— Brought low.

synonyms: broken, crushed, humbled, humiliated.

10 low

Filled with melancholy and despondency.

synonyms: blue, depressed, dispirited, down, down in the mouth, downcast, downhearted, gloomy, grim, low-spirited.

Polish: posępny, chmurny, ponury


1 low

In a low position; near the ground.

Moby thesaurus: Doric, Hydromatic, a la sourdine, abject, abominable, accented, against, ailing, air mass, alveolar, anticyclone, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, arrant, articulated, asking price, assimilated, atrocious, automatic transmission ... show more.

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