1 gratis
Costing nothing.
synonyms: complimentary, costless, free, gratuitous.
Roget 815: cheap; low, low priced; moderate, reasonable; inexpensive, unexpensive†; well worth the money, worth the money; magnifique et pas cher [Fr.]; good at the price, cheap at the price; dirt cheap, dog cheap; ... show more
Roget 748: free, free as air; out of harness, independent, at large, loose, scot-free; left alone, left to oneself. in full swing; uncaught, unconstrained, unbuttoned, unconfined, ... show more
Roget 784: giving etc. v.; given etc. v.; allowed, allowable; concessional†; communicable; charitable, eleemosynary, sportulary†, ... show more
Roget 808: not paying, non-paying, non-performing; in debt etc. 806; behindhand, in arrear†, behind in payments, in arrears; beggared etc. (poor) 804; ... show more
Polish: bezpłatny, darmowy, nieodpłatny
1 gratis
Without payment:
— I'll give you this gratis.
synonyms: for free, free of charge.
Moby thesaurus: as a gift, as our guest, charitable, complimentary, costless, eleemosynary, expenseless, for free, for love, for nothing, for the asking, free, free as air, free for nothing, free gratis, free of charge, free of cost, freebie, giftlike, given ... show more.
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