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1 inconsequential

Lacking worth or importance:
— His work seems trivial and inconsequential.

synonym: inconsequent.

Roget 732: unsuccessful, successless; failing, tripping etc. v.; at fault; unfortunate etc. 735.    abortive, addle, stillborn; fruitless, ... show more

Roget 175a: uninfluential, ineffective; inconsequential, nugatory; unconducing, unconducive, unconducting to; powerless etc. 158; irrelevant etc. 10.   

Roget 477: intuitive, instinctive, impulsive; independent of reason, anterior to reason; gratuitous, hazarded; unconnected.    unreasonable, illogical, false, unsound, invalid; unwarranted, ... show more

2 inconsequential

Not following logically as a consequence.

Moby thesaurus: absonant, back-burner, contradictory, contrary to reason, cursory, depthless, dinky, dispensable, fallacious, faulty, few, flawed, footling, illogical, immaterial, inappreciable, inauthentic, inconclusive, incongruous, inconsequent ... show more.

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