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1 growth

biology The process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.

synonyms: development, growing, maturation, ontogenesis, ontogeny.

Roget 367: vegetable, vegetable kingdom; flora, verdure.    plant; tree, shrub, bush; creeper; herb, herbage; grass.    annual; ... show more

Roget 250: convexity, prominence, projection, swelling, gibbosity, bilge, bulge, protuberance, protrusion; camber, cahot [U.S.].    thank-ye-ma'am [U.S.].    swell.    intumescence; ... show more

Roget 194: expansion; increase of size etc. 35; enlargement, extension, augmentation; amplification, ampliation; aggrandizement, spread, increment, growth, ... show more

Roget 144: conversion, reduction, transmutation, resolution, assimilation; evolution, sea change; change of state; assumption; naturalization; transportation; development [Biol.], developing.    [photography] ... show more

Roget 161: production, creation, construction, formation, fabrication, manufacture; building, architecture, erection, edification; coinage; diaster; organization; ... show more

Dutch: ontogenie, ontwikkeling, ontwikkelingsfysiologie, ontogenese, groei, rijping, wasdom
Polish: rozwój osobniczy, ontogeneza

2 growth

A progression from simpler to more complex forms.

3 growth

A process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important:
— The growth of population.

synonyms: increase, increment.

Roget 35: increase, augmentation, enlargement, extension; dilatation etc. (expansion) 194; increment, accretion; accession etc. 37; development, ... show more

Dutch: aanwas, accres, increment, stijging, toename, vermeerdering

4 growth

Vegetation that has grown.

5 growth

The gradual beginning or coming forth.

synonyms: emergence, outgrowth.

Polish: emergencja

6 growth

pathology An abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor).

Dutch: groei, toename

7 growth

Something grown or growing.

Moby thesaurus: about-face, abscess, access, accession, accomplishment, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, advancement, aggrandizement, ague, alchemy, amplification, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, apnea ... show more.

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