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1 cuckoo

A man who is a stupid incompetent fool.

synonyms: bozo, fathead, goof, goofball, goose, jackass, twat, zany.

Roget 412: cry etc. v.; crying etc. v.; bowwow, ululation, latration, belling; reboation; wood-note; insect cry, ... show more

Roget 104: repetition, iteration, reiteration, harping, recurrence, succession, run; battology, tautology; monotony, tautophony; rhythm etc. 138; ... show more

Roget 19: imitation; copying etc. v.; transcription; repetition, duplication, reduplication; quotation; reproduction; mimeograph, xerox, facsimile; ... show more

Roget 407: roll etc. v.; drumming etc. v.; berloque, bombination, rumbling; tattoo, drumroll; dingdong; tantara; rataplan; ... show more

Dutch: oliebol

2 cuckoo

Any of numerous European and North American birds having pointed wings and a long tail.

Dutch: koekoek
Polish: kukułka


1 cuckoo

Repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call.

Roget 412: cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow; growl, snarl.    [specific animal sounds] bark [dog, seal]; bow-wow, yelp [dog]; bay, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Philomel, ape, balmy, bananas, barmy, bats, batty, beany, bonkers, buggy, bughouse, bugs, bulbul, cackle, call, canary, carol, caw, chatter, cheep ... show more.

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