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1 chirp

A sharp sound made by small birds or insects.

Polish: cykanie, cyk


1 chirp

Make high-pitched sounds:
— The birds were chirping in the bushes.

synonyms: cheep, chirrup, peep.

Roget 412: cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow; growl, snarl.    [specific animal sounds] bark [dog, seal]; bow-wow, yelp [dog]; bay, ... show more

Roget 416: play, pipe, strike up, sweep the chords, tweedle, fiddle; strike the lyre, beat the drum; blow the horn, sound the horn, wind the horn; doodle; grind the organ; touch the guitar ... show more

Roget 836: be cheerful etc. adj.; have the mind at ease, smile, put a good face upon, keep up one's spirits; view the bright side of the picture, view things en couleur de rose [Fr.]; ridentem dicere virum [Lat.], cheer up, brighten up, light up, bear up; ... show more

Roget 838: rejoice, thank one's stars, bless one's stars; congratulate oneself, hug oneself; rub one's hands, clap one's hands; smack the lips, fling up one's cap; dance, skip; sing, carol, chirrup, ... show more

2 chirp

Sing in modulation.

synonym: tweedle.

Moby thesaurus: anthem, ballad, bark, bawl, beam, bellow, blare, blat, blubber, boom, bray, breathe, buzz, cackle, call, caper, caracole, carol, caw, chant ... show more.

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