English synonyms about - contact  

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1 blacklist

A list of people who are out of favor.

synonyms: black book, shitlist.

Dutch: zwarte lijst, zwartboek
Polish: czarna księga


1 blacklist

Put on a blacklist so as to banish or cause to be boycotted.

Roget 932: disapprove; dislike etc. 867; lament etc. 839; object to, take exception to; be scandalized at, think ill of; view with disfavor, view with dark eyes, view with jaundiced eyes; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: anathematize, attaint, ban, banish, banishment, blackball, boycott, boycottage, bring home to, censure, condemn, convict, damn, denounce, denunciate, disfellowship, doom, excommunicate, find guilty, ostracism ... show more.

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