English synonyms about - contact  

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1 unroll

Reverse the winding or twisting of.

synonyms: unwind, wind off.

Roget 525: make manifest, render manifest etc. adj.; bring forth, bring forward, bring to the front, bring into view; give notice; express; represent, set forth, exhibit; show, ... show more

2 unroll

Unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state.

synonym: unfurl.

Roget 313: counter-rotate, evolve; unfold, unroll, unwind, uncoil, untwist, unfurl, untwine, unravel; untangle, disentangle; develop.    ... show more

Dutch: afrollen, afwikkelen, afwinden, loswikkelen, ontrollen, openrollen, uitrollen

Moby thesaurus: bare, break the seal, bring to light, clear, deobstruct, develop, disclose, discover, dismask, draw the veil, expose, free, impart, lay bare, lay open, let daylight in, let out, manifest, open, open up ... show more.

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