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1 accent

Distinctive manner of oral expression:
— He couldn't suppress his contemptuous accent.

synonym: speech pattern.

Roget 402: sound, noise, strain; accent, twang, intonation, tone; cadence; sonorousness etc. adj.; audibility; resonance etc. ... show more

Dutch: tongval
Polish: akcent

2 accent

Special importance or significance:
— The room was decorated in shades of grey with distinctive red accents.

synonym: emphasis.

Dutch: klemtoon, emfase, accent, beklemtoning, nadruk
Polish: emfaza

3 accent

The usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people:
— He has a strong German accent.

synonyms: dialect, idiom.

Roget 563: neology, neologism; newfangled expression, nonce expression; back-formation; caconym; barbarism.    archaism, black letter, monkish Latin.    corruption, missaying, malapropism, antiphrasis.    ... show more

Dutch: mondaard, accent, dialect, patois, streektaal

4 accent

The relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch).

synonyms: emphasis, stress.

Roget 580: voice; vocality; organ, lungs, bellows; good voice, fine voice, powerful voice etc. (loud) 404; musical voice etc. 413; ... show more

Dutch: benadrukking, accent, beklemtoning, emfaze, klemtoon, nadruk
Polish: akcent

5 accent

A diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation.

synonym: accent mark.

Dutch: tongval, uitspraak, klemtoon, accent, accentteken
Polish: akcent


1 accent

To stress, single out as important.

synonyms: accentuate, emphasise, emphasize, punctuate, stress.

Dutch: accentueren, profileren

2 accent

Put stress on; utter with an accent:
— In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word.

synonyms: accentuate, stress.

Dutch: beklemtonen, accentueren, benadrukken

Moby thesaurus: Alexandrine, accent mark, accents, accentuate, accentuation, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, anapest, antispast, arsis, articulation, bacchius, bar, beat, belabor, broad accent, brogue, burr, cadence ... show more.

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