English synonyms about - contact  

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1 chitchat

Light informal conversation for social occasions.

synonyms: causerie, chin-wag, chin-wagging, chin wag, chin wagging, chit-chat, chit chat, gab, gabfest, gossip ... show more.

Roget 588: conversation, interlocution; collocution, colloquy, converse, confabulation, talk, discourse, verbal intercourse; oral communication, commerce; dialogue, duologue, trialogue.    ... show more

Dutch: gekakel, geklets, gebabbel
Polish: gadka szmatka


1 chitchat

Talk socially without exchanging too much information.

synonyms: chaffer, chat, chatter, chew the fat, chit-chat, claver, confab, confabulate, gossip, jaw ... show more.

Dutch: pruttelen, babbelen, kletsen, zwetsen, chatten, chat

Moby thesaurus: babble, back-fence gossip, backchat, beauty-parlor chitchat, cackle, chat, chatter, chitter, chitter-chatter, clack, cocktail-party chitchat, gabble, gossip, gossiping, gossipmongering, gossipry, groundless rumor, idle chat, idle talk, newsmongering ... show more.

Find more on chitchat elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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