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1 soaker

A heavy rain.

synonyms: cloudburst, deluge, downpour, pelter, torrent, waterspout.

Dutch: hoosbui, plensbui, stortbui, wolkbreuk
Polish: ulewa, oberwanie chmury

2 soaker

A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually.

synonyms: alcoholic, alky, boozer, dipsomaniac, lush, souse.

Roget 959: drunkenness etc. adj.; intemperance; drinking etc. v.; inebriety, inebriation; ebriety, ebriosity; insobriety; intoxication; temulency, ... show more

Dutch: alcoholiste, alcoholica, alcoholicus, alcoholist, alcoholverslaafde, drankorgel, drankverslaafde, drankzuchtige, drinkebroer, kannekijker ... show more
Polish: alkoholik, pijak

Moby thesaurus: alcoholic, alcoholic addict, bacchanal, bacchanalian, bibber, big drunk, boozehound, boozer, brash, burst of rain, carouser, chronic alcoholic, chronic drunk, cloudburst, deluge, devotee of Bacchus, dipsomaniac, downfall, downflow, downpour ... show more.

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