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1 torrent

A heavy rain.

synonyms: cloudburst, deluge, downpour, pelter, soaker, waterspout.

Roget 274: velocity, speed, celerity; swiftness etc. adj.; rapidity, eagle speed; expedition etc. (activity) 682; pernicity; acceleration; ... show more

Roget 348: running water.    jet, spirt, spurt, squirt, spout, spray, splash, rush, gush, jet d'eau [Fr.]; sluice.    water spout, water fall; ... show more

Roget 173: violence, inclemency, vehemence, might, impetuosity; boisterousness etc. adj.; effervescence, ebullition; turbulence, bluster; uproar, callithump [U.S.], ... show more

Dutch: hoosbui, plensbui, stortbui, wolkbreuk
Polish: ulewa, oberwanie chmury

2 torrent

A violently fast stream of water (or other liquid):
— The houses were swept away in the torrent.

synonym: violent stream.

Dutch: stortvloed, stroom

3 torrent

An overwhelming number or amount:
— A torrent of abuse.

synonyms: deluge, flood, inundation.

Dutch: overvloed, stortvloed

Moby thesaurus: Niagara, antelope, arrow, belch, blue darter, blue streak, burst, cannonball, cascade, cataclysm, cataract, courser, dart, debouchment, deluge, dissiliency, eagle, effusion, electricity, eructation ... show more.

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