English synonyms about - contact  



1 drenching

The act of making something completely wet:
— He gave it a good drenching.

synonyms: soaking, souse, sousing.

Polish: przemoknięcie, przemoczenie się


Roget 337: watery, aqueous, aquatic, hydrous, lymphatic; balneal, diluent; drenching etc. v.; diluted etc. v.; weak; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: brewing, dampening, drench, ducking, dunking, humectant, imbruement, imbuement, impregnation, infiltration, infusion, injection, irrigational, irriguous, leaching, lixiviation, maceration, moistening, percolation, permeation ... show more.

Find more on drenching elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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