English synonyms about - contact  

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jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry



1 joint

anatomy The point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion).

synonyms: articulatio, articulation.

Roget 945: vice; evil-doing, evil courses; wrongdoing; wickedness, viciousness etc. adj.; iniquity, peccability, demerit; sin, Adam; old Adam, ... show more

Roget 298: eating etc. v.; deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, rumination; gluttony etc. 957.    [eating specific foods] ... show more

Roget 258: fold, plicature, plait, pleat, ply, crease; tuck, gather; flexion, flexure, joint, elbow, double, doubling, ... show more

Roget 51: part, portion; dose; item, particular; aught, any; division, ward; subdivision, section; chapter, clause, count, ... show more

Dutch: geleding, gewricht, lid
Polish: staw

2 joint

A disreputable place of entertainment.

3 joint

The shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made.

synonyms: articulation, join, junction, juncture.

Roget 43: junction; joining etc. v.; joinder [Law], union connection, conjunction, conjugation; annexion, annexation, annexment; astriction, attachment, compagination, ... show more

Dutch: aanhechtingspunt

4 joint

A piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion.

synonym: roast.

Dutch: gebraad, roti
Polish: pieczeń

5 joint

Junction by which parts or objects are joined together.

Dutch: koppeling, verbinding
Polish: lutowina

6 joint

Marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking.

synonyms: marijuana cigarette, reefer, spliff, stick.

Dutch: joint, marihuanasigaret, reefer, stick, stickie, stikkie
Polish: skręt, joint


1 joint

Fit as if by joints.

2 joint

Provide with a joint:
— The carpenter jointed two pieces of wood.

synonym: articulate.

3 joint

Fasten with a joint.

4 joint

Separate (meat) at the joint.


1 joint

United or combined.

Roget 712: in league, in partnership, in alliance etc. n.. bonded together, banded together, linked etc. (joined) 43, joined together; embattled; ... show more

Roget 88: accompanying etc. v.; concomitant, fellow, twin, joint; associated with, coupled with; accessory, attendant, obbligato.   

Roget 43: joined etc. v.; joint; conjoint, conjunct; corporate, compact; hand in hand.    firm, fast, close, tight, taut, ... show more

2 joint

Affecting or involving two or more.

3 joint

Involving both houses of a legislature.

Moby thesaurus: Babylon, DET, DMT, Gomorrah, LSD, Mary Jane, STP, Sodom, THC, abutment, abysm, abyss, accessory, accompanying, accordant, accumulated, acid, agglomerate, aggregate, agreeing ... show more.

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