English synonyms about - contact  

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1 collected

Brought together in one place:
— The collected works of Milton.

synonym: gathered.

Roget 826: inexcitable, unexcitable; imperturbable; unsusceptible etc. (insensible) 823; unpassionate, dispassionate; cold-blooded, irritable; enduring etc. ... show more

2 collected

In full control of your faculties:
— The witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination.

synonyms: equanimous, poised, self-collected, self-contained, self-possessed.

Moby thesaurus: accumulated, agglomerate, aggregate, allied, amassed, assembled, associated, assured, at ease, backlogged, balanced, banded together, bound, bracketed, bunched, bundled, calm, clumped, clustered, combined ... show more.

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